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Feeling Good & Joyous
Citation:   the yes-monkey. "Feeling Good & Joyous: An Experience with Cacao (exp33488)". Feb 19, 2007.

cacao beans are incredible. a definite food of the gods...

I first encountered the idea (meme) of chocolate as a ethnobotanical in reading mckenna's Food of the God's...but i still didn't consider it as something worth investigating. Then there was that movie with jonny depp, and it led to me revising my feelings concerning chocolate...yet, i still was not on the band-wagon...or any wagon for that matter!

and then it happened, in my search for synthetic endo-cannabinoids for sale on the web, specifically, anandamide, i came across several listings stating that the cacao bean contains anadamide...and then, the disappointing news that the body breaks down this blissful molecule very rapidly...and then the good news, not only does cacao contain anandamide, but FAAH inhibitors...slow the break down, increase the bliss...

so then I ordered some raw cacao beans...and when they arrived, I chewed I sat in my court ordered AA meeting. and as I chewed them, and sucked on them, I become more alive, much more alive...was it the anadamide, the theobromine, the faah inhibition? The amalgam had me feeling good, and joyous... nietzschean joy at that! oh, the beans are good.

then I said to myself...well, if you can chew them, and they are that wonderful...what about the smoke? I bought some nestle's powdered cacao [sic]...packed a corncob pipe full...sparked it up... and it smokes better than any herbal alternative to marijuana that I have tried...also...the effects are just as strong if not stronger than sinicuichi, dagga, etc...highly recomended.

so that's it...and i plan on doing an extract with everclear and cacao powder, let the alcohol evaporate, and smoke the resin... it hard work, but if not me, who, who will sacrifice themselves to the science of the dancing monkey?

'and we should count as lost every day on which we did not dance'
-Nietsche...(a quote I found on a box of chocolate several years back)...

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33488
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 19, 2007Views: 27,036
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