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Ephedrine & Cannabis
by Norm
Citation:   Norm. "Hell: An Experience with Ephedrine & Cannabis (exp33646)". Oct 31, 2006.

60 mg oral Ephedrine
  4 bowls smoked Cannabis
I had never even tried more than once substance at once, so I decided, Ephedrine couldn't be dangerous, and I smoked weed alot with only 1 bad experience. I took about 60 mg Ephedrine, and decided to smoke the weed. I had just gotten some White Rhino, and this shit is one-hit-wonder weed. I went upstairs to my room and smoked 4 bowls of it. I was seriously fucked.

I could feel the effects after the first puff, but the ephedrine had started to take its effect, and making my heart pound faster and harder. I thought I was going to die. The blood was rushing through my body way too fast, and it was getting hotter with each pump. Sometimes when I smoke weed, I get kind of anxious, and my blood pressure gets to the point where my hands are shaking. This was one of those times. The ephedrine only made it worse, and I felt like my chest was on fire, the blood was pumping way too fast. I leaned back and it went up to my neck. My jaw locked and I was scared as hell that I was having a heart attack or something. I don't know to this day whether I had a heart attack or not. I thought I was in hell. I remembered back to something I had read when I used to go to church. I was thinking I was gonna be in that amount of pain for 1000 years or something. I thought I was in hell. When you're in that position, you feel like anything is possible.

I calmed down after about half an hour, and realized I wasn't in hell. I'm not saying anything is wrong with weed OR ephedrine. Fuck, I love weed. Just don't over do it with ephedrine. It fucked with me.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33646
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 31, 2006Views: 23,441
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Ephedrine (23), Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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