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My Personal Assessment
Citation:   Noirceuil. "My Personal Assessment: An Experience with LSD (exp33756)". Erowid.org. Nov 28, 2007. erowid.org/exp/33756

  repeated oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Having experimented with LSD 12 times this last year, in two-three week intervals between trips, I thought is necessary to document my findings regarding this nowadays elusive substance. More than a description of specific trips or the specific effects of the drug, which there have been numerous writings about, I thought it best to simply discuss what it has taught me.

I have found that each time I ingest this chemical, always in tab form, as that is all that is available here, I experience a surge that can only be described as liquid electricity coursing through my veins, and this feeling, which can last up to 6 hours after coming down, is usually accompanied by an unpleasant taste in mouth. This feeling I attribute to my body's recognition of the chemical and subsequent visceral reaction to it, or the chemical's ability to make apparent the degree to which my body is 'polluted' with illness and/or foreign chemical agents like hormones in animal products, synthetic/artificial colors and flavoring in cuisine, the toxins we breathe, contained in our polluted air, etc.

Subsequently, my mind begins to break down, usually eliciting tears or raucous laughter, producing visual hallucinations and unusual tactile sensations. A profound sense of nausea is also common, what I believe to be the result of truly inhabiting my body, something we are too often unable to do in this hectic, work driven society based in capitalist exploitation. I have found that physical and intellectual tasks/work becomes much more exciting after this period, and I am much more adept at anything I may try.

The acid, I believe, simulates painlessly a rational line of inquiry, causing unreasoned beliefs and concepts that we have been coerced into believing to break down. This is the drug that would allow someone to have a friendly, calm conversation with his/her own rapist, in that it provides true detachment from fear and, simultaneously, complete acceptance of all things. In my first trip I discovered the monistic unity of all things, that we are all comprised of the same fundamental substance/energy and therefore are equal to any object, living or dead, including that which we perceive to be empty space.

I believe I watched the soul of my one-time partner die, or at the very least, change irrevocably in a manner that appeared to be death, as she was unable to move, screaming in misery, her breath becoming more and more shallow until she simply stopped. When she came down, she was never the same. I felt the pain of the earth, which is constantly crying out in agony over what we have done to it. I realized the extent to which the average person employs doublethink (doing both X and ~X, but calling ~X the variable Y, so that they need not recognize the contradictions they are living), the beauty and necessity of death and the fact that all religions, political systems, works of art, etc. are attempting to articulate the same things, just in a different language. I have also been able to appreciate music and film (art in general) in a way that I never thought possible. After acid, all things are beautiful, all things are terrible, and fear is absent from my life. I know not whether this is a positive or negative thing. I suppose it just is.

In my experimentation with psilocybe mushrooms, I find they tend to produce MUCH darker trips than LSD, and provoke more conservative impulses and thoughts that I otherwise repress (the desire to kill, to possess, to compete with others, etc.).

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33756
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 28, 2007Views: 6,052
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LSD (2) : Mystical Experiences (9), Relationships (44), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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