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Anxiety from Increased Use
Citation:   Djmaux. "Anxiety from Increased Use: An Experience with GHB/GBL (exp34003)". Jun 21, 2011.

  oral GHB (daily)
I had been using GHB and GBL for quite some time usually taking one dose a day. A few months back I started taking it more often but started having problems. Firstly I have to say that at the time I was having sleeping trouble and often only sleeping a few hours at a time which magnified this problem. The problem was that after using 8-9g GHB or about 6ml GBL I would get anxious and irritable, quite uncomfortably so. One day I only got an hour sleep and after the 2 X 3ml of GBL had worn off the anxiety was HORRIFIC almost to the point of going to hospital and persisted for about 24 hours. (it took 24-30 hours before my anxiety was baseline)

The higher the dopamine the less deep sleep I get. This in turn causes more anxiety because I'm not sleeping well AND I am tiring my brain out due to constantly high dopamine all day! The thing is I dont realise I'm loosing sleep quality because the tiredness isnt noticable due to high dopamine!

I noticed that the less time I leave between GHB doses the lower the euphoria. I have found that if I use GHB only once a day (I can top up that session so I might total 4-5g) is best PREFERABLY as far from bedtime as possible. I found when I took 2 doses a day even with 7-8 hours apart the high just wasnt anywhere nears as good.

OK so to round up quickly here is my strategy.

I dont use more than 3ml GBL (4-5g GHB) per day.
I take it as early in the day as possible.
I dont take GBL two evenings in a row as I will suffer bad sleep.
I take a day off whenever possible.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34003
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2011Views: 11,137
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GHB (25) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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