Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
Wonderfully Insane
LSD, 5-MeO-MIPT, MDMA & Cannabis
Citation:   ag0ny. "Wonderfully Insane: An Experience with LSD, 5-MeO-MIPT, MDMA & Cannabis (exp34071)". Sep 8, 2005.

T+ 0:00
3 hits oral LSD (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 6.0 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 3:00 100 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:00 2.5 hits oral LSD (liquid)
Before I give this report I must say that I am extremely experienced when it comes to substances of psychoactivity. I've had my times with cocaine and opiates (RX and street), use marijuana daily, done lsd about 4x, mdma and mda countless times, psylocibin roughly 5x, Ketamine, methamphetamine. I had no prior experiences with research tryptamines however. I mean the list goes on but I'm just trying to get u to understand that I'm no newbie. This experience actually occurred a couple weeks after trying some bunk acid, so I was extremely skeptical on the quality of the lsd I stumbled upon.

-8:30pm- Anywayz I took 3 drops of liquid off the bat.

Roughly an hour later I had completely convinced myself that the acid was gonna be bunk and I had the chance to get some '5 speed' (5-meo-mipt), so I purchased a capsule containing roughly 6mg and dumped the contents onto my tongue (tastes horrible).

-9:30pm-(Oh yeah my friend 'N' was with me during the entire experience) Maybe 15 minutes or so later my friend, I'll call him 'J' (who had just arrived back in state from a vacation to AZ), arrived at my house. I gave him a couple drops of the acid, he was meant to only take the acid to determine the quality. Maybe 15 minutes after J arrived I began to feel a feeling of being scatter-brained.

-9:45pm- From then on things slowly got visually and mentally intense. Me, J, and N left my home and rode to my friend 'B's apartment. When I arrived I was still thinking the acid was gonna be bunk so I told them about the '5-speed'. I thought the mental unrest was coming from the tryptamines. I couldn't stop talking about the 5-meo-mipt. I decided to leave cuz I felt like I was getting on everyones nerves.

-10:30pm- During the ride home I began to notice colors were beginning to shift and a slight breathing of objects. Drum and Bass was AWESOME! When we got home we smoked a blunt and several bowls or marijuana (4g), but the weed never really changed my current mental state (FAR from baseline mind you). I really don't know what the effects of the '5-speed' were, maybe it caused the auditory distortion? Sound seemed to enter my ears from several different directions at times. 'N' had only smoked marijuana so he was doing most of the entertaining, showing us pictures, movies, playing music, and posing theories and such that would blow our mind.

After maybe an hour,-11:30pm?- (perception of time was completely screwed by now), I decide that me and J should take the MDMA we had! We both have roughly 100mg of molly each. I take mine via insufflation. Over the course of the next hour the effects of the MDMA were definetly there and becoming stronger but never really take over. The visuals are enhanced to where glowsticks have the most amazing tracers I've ever seen and the actual color of the sticks would change from green to a purple and even white... breathtaking! My friend 'N' was doing Poi (stix on strings)! I know that candyflipping is normally done by taking the X first, rolling, then taking the cid and I can see why, cuz I never fully appriciated the mdma cuz it was still an obvious lsd trip. I had an urge to turn on the lights. Even when the eye rolling and wiggles and beautiful glowsticks. I also didn't find the skin sensation as overcoming if at all. I mean I remember knowing I was rolling balls but it simply wasn't as amazing. After 3 hours the effects of the xtc were diminishing and I was back to just tripping.

-2:30am?- At this time I believe I could handle redosing lsd, me and J decide to do the last 5 or so hits of liquid between the two of us. I actually don't know how much acid I took cuz I couldn't tell if it was coming out or not. I'd say maybe 2 or 3 at the most. Hell maybe 4 I have no clue lol. I actually took the hits over a period of a half an hour to an hour. The effects of LSD, in no time, make it to the plateau of the last dose. This is around the time I realize how unsure I am about the '5-speed' and the effects it caused. I once again find myself laughing at everything, everything is nonsense! I find myself constantly trying to figure 'things' out but I only get more confused, and by 'things' I mean EVERYTHING: colors, social situations, money, greed, love, hate, friends, life, you name it! Around 4:00am I finish downloading the film 'Waking Life'. N starts the film and we begin watching it while having a conversation. At this time my friend J is in the floor staring at the carpet and wall and has a look of sheer terror on his face. Personally I was having a blast and I couldn't understand how this could have possibly gotten bad to him. I tell him itz going to be alright, tell him to relax, and let him know that itz a drug and it will eventually be over. It seems to help a lil bit.

I continue with the movie while talking to N about the film. Periodically I try to attract J's attention to the movie, but he says watching it makes everything worse. I end up totally ignoring the movie and sit beside J urging him to conversate, which he does. Over the next few hours we sit and talk about everything, mainly trying to describe the visuals and thoughts which we were experiencing/experienced. Seemingly able to sum the entire experience into a word or phrase, like 'you never know'! This was J's first time doing LSD by the way. My first time candyflipping and also doing 5-meo-mipt (alone or in combination). All of my experiences with LSD were never in this high of a dose and alwayz lsd by itself. MDMA and MDA were combined with mushrooms a couple times quite beautifully.

This experience for me was an amazing voyage, one that required nothing but the company of some good friends. I'll never know what 5-speed is like until I try it solo, as of now I have no opinion. However, I can say it isn't bad. There was actually no time that things were scary, or in any way bad. I've had a few bad trips and this time a bad trip didn't even seem possible. My friend J had a period of time he considers a bad trip however. I found myself more comfortable than normal with the mindfuck of the lsd, normally 'mindfuck' kinda made me feel like I was losing my mind or was actually stuck in that mental state. My best guess is that the 5-speed if anything helped me keep it positive mentally while slightly adding to the psychedelic rather than visual aspects of the experience. The MDMA was really good but could have been better if done first maybe in combination with 5-speed. The acid trip was mindblowing in retrospect, I had never seen the effects of LSD at that high of a dose and to be able to mix it with some other wonderful substances was icing on the cake!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34071
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 8, 2005Views: 16,277
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LSD (2), 5-MeO-MIPT (287), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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