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Twelve Cups in Fiji
Citation:   snapper925. "Twelve Cups in Fiji: An Experience with Kava (exp34208)". Jun 7, 2004.

12 cups oral Kava (tea)
I have been a kava drinker for about 7 years and was used to making it as a home brew. Then, on a trip around the world with my girlfriend, we stopped off in the Kava capital of the world, Fiji. While there, we went to a cultural evening at a village near our hostel and were given very weak kava to drink. I asked a lot of questions and was intrigued, this was my drug of choice my senior year of college.

Well, the boys invited me back to drink some more with them, and it was incredible. Fijians are lovely, although physically imposing people. We drank a good deal of kava, probably 12 cups a piece, between myself, the chief of the village and a couple of other chaps. We had a great time, were very buzzed, but relaxed and chatted amicably about religion (kava is a god to them), cannibalism (nobody had tasted human flesh, but they all knew someone who had tried 'long pork'), and admired the clubs they kept in the corner ('We haven't used those in years') After a few hours of extremely relaxed chatting we parted friends and have kept in touch for over a year.

It makes Miller Time seem aggressive and futile. For a legal drug, there is no better choice. Yes, the taste is similar to dirty socks, but you get used to it. The best way to prepare it? With friends, in a big wooden bowl, and saying 'bula' before and after you drink.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 34208
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 7, 2004Views: 5,052
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Kava (30) : General (1), Large Group (10+) (19)

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