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A Night of Nirvana and Passion
Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen
Citation:   Danny and Devan. "A Night of Nirvana and Passion: An Experience with Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen (exp34545)". Erowid.org. Dec 13, 2007. erowid.org/exp/34545

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:45 10 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
One Saturday night, I received some Vicodin pills from a friend, (x5) 5/500 MG ones to be exact, equalling 25MG. My experience is written below as followed. Also, I have had many experiences with psychoactives, mostly pills.

Location: House, Computer Room.
Dosage: 25 MG Vicodin
People: Danny and Devan.

10:00 PM- Ingested three of the five Vicodin pills, I had received from a great friend.

10:15 PM- Feeling mildly warm, browsing the web and starting to feel a sense of well being.

10:26 PM- Feeling tingly in my fingers and toes. Feeling quite happy. Listening to FLOWING by 311.

10:45 PM- Ingest the two remaining, 5 MG Vicodin pills.

11:00 PM- Feeling quite wonderful, and wish this would last forever. I have tooken over 35 MG of Vicodin before, but 17-25 MG seems to work for me. Many thoughts race through my head, and nirvana seems to cloud my mind.

11:20 PM- I watched the end of Matrix: Revolutions, and enjoy the spectacular special effects, that seem to look even more amazing than usually. My girlfriend Devan stops by, and is on 2 Oxycodone pills. We begin to make love, and the joys of this world rush through every fiber in my body, as well as Devans.

11:45 PM- Still making love with Devan. Feeling overpowered by Passion. Our eyes meet and she is more beautiful then a breath of spring air. True love is experienced, as we reach the peak of the sacred act. Devan and I both experience an Orgasm, which to this day, is undescribable by my tounge.

12:00 AM- Finished making love. I feel extreme joy, and happy to be alive. We both get into the bathtub, and bath each other. The water tempature was perfect and I wouldn't have changed anything was felt, as we cleansed each other.

12:20 AM- We lie down together and fall asleep into a great slumber, and heavenly dreams came upon me. I dreamt I was flowing in space, passing many stars and planets. It was amazing. Everything was perfect that night.

NEXT DAY: I wake up, and Devan is still asleep. It's 10:00 AM, and I get ready for work. I will never forget that night. It was one of the greatest trips and most passionate night I have ever had.

EXTRA NOTES: I enjoyed Vicodin very much, considering it to be a mild psychoactive. Devan was on Oxycodone, which is also an Opiate as you know, so I must thank the Opiate drug family for such an incredibly journey that we were tooken on. There was no hallucinations or Mind-Body Seperation that DXM, MDMA or Mushrooms have brought before, but that night, I felt something else, and the power of love was shone upon me like the blazing sun as it shines her light to the ground in which we stand upon.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34545
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 13, 2007Views: 25,362
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