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Much More Than a Sleep Aid
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Citation:   Akdov. "Much More Than a Sleep Aid: An Experience with Zolpidem (Ambien) (exp3456)". Apr 8, 2001.

20 mg oral Pharms - Zaleplon (pill / tablet)
I have noticed (well, they're hard to miss) very unique experiences while on Ambien. I have even experimented with it, such as taking only 5mg or 50mg, and studying the effects on myself.

The following are the observations I wrote down while on 40mg of Ambien:

Took 40mg Ambien.

Disconnected feeling.
Foggy thoughts.
Hallucinations begin, very acidic [referring to LSD].
Mind gains ability to make inanimate objects, animate.
Interaction with these animates in very weird ways, including conversation with and without spoken words.
Unlike lsd, very little control over the experience.
Entrance into whole different created world.
Barely able to communicate these thoughts with others in 'outside world'.
Music has its way with thoughts, especially trance and darkstep [these are types of electronica for those who dont know].
Music molds thoughts and mind into new 'Mental Worlds'.

Come back down into real world temporarily.
sleepy, fatigued, but very awake.

wandering around in a concious trance-like state.

~2:00am - ~3:00am
Memory Gap. [I recall realizing that I recalled nothing of that hour... sleep?]

decided to go to sleep.


I have noticed an increasing tolerance to ambien, for now just to use it as a sleep aid alone, I must take 20mg (normal dosage is only 10mg).
I suggest that if one decides to use Ambien recreationally (just something to get fucked up on) do not use it often. Tolerance builds up quicker than anything I have yet encountered, including ecstasy (MDMA) and LSD.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3456
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 8, 2001Views: 14,715
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Alone (16), General (1)

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