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An Interesting Day
Citation:   Renare. "An Interesting Day: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp34716)". Dec 14, 2007.

T+ 0:00
250 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:00 250 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00 250 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
I had tried diphenhydramine twice before. Both times I had taken it, I had just gotten really dizzy, then slipped into a very delicious slumber.

It was the last day of school, and I wasn't planning on going to any classes, so I decided to take the 10 (250mg)tablets to see how I would actually react to it, instead of falling asleep. I took them right after I took my 250mg of Lamictal for bipolar 1 disorder. I made sure to fill up a very large water bottle so I could carry it around with me, because the stuff can give me horrible cotton mouth.

It took about an hour to kick in. I went to school, and to my first period class (which was only 25 minutes) and then went to go hang out with some friends. Before we met up, I sat in the bathroom with my friend, A., and I looked up at the window. Thinking that it was closed, I put my hand up to it, and it went right through the window. Apparently it was open, according to A. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a popsicle, just real quick, then it disappeared. My limbs felt a tad heavier, but they also felt sort of tingly; a bit pleasurable. We left the bathroom about 20 minutes later, and I went with some other friends. We sat around watching a movie, and basically I felt spacey; that's about it.

Eventually one of my friends and I walked to my house. This was about 3 hours after I had taken the 10 tablets, and the general feeling wore off. An hour later we left, and right before we did, I took 10 more, and put the other 10 I had in my pocket. We walked about a half hour to the beach. I waited a half hour to feel some effects, but I wasn't really feeling anything, so I took the other 10 (250mg). I washed them down with a Vanilla Coke.

This is where I don't remember much. I know I walked around quite a bit because I felt a little dizzy, but the dizziness felt good, in some odd way. I wouldn't say it felt like I was floating, because I felt heavier. It felt like my limbs were heavier, but when I maneuvered around, I controlled exactly where I wanted each limb to go, and I had control over my body. The events aren't in any order in my mind, but when I sat in front of my friend J., I was looking at his red shirt, and I saw dark green dots floating around on it. I know somehow I ended up sitting on a bench, by myself, completely awestruck by the concrete. The pathways were made of concrete with little rocks in it, and when I stared at the rocks, some of them would pop out and make images like in those 'Magic Eye' books. I almost saw something come out of the rocks when my friend K. came over and started to talk to me.

This is when two more of my friends, D. and C. came over. D. played with my hair a bit, then C. played with my hair for a long time. It felt like I could actually feel my hair, not just the roots of the hairs, but the actual hair. It felt like a limb on my body as well. It still felt good, though. Afterwards, I spaced out completely and stared at whatever was there. Whatever I stared at seemed really interesting, though. The only problem I seemed to have is that I would forget what I was talking about in mid-sentence. I would be thinking something completely witty or thought-provoking, and lose it in a snap, only to recover it again a few seconds later.

It had been 3 hours since I had taken the last 10 pills, and the effects had worn off again. When I got home, I slept for 2 hours, but it felt like I had slept all night. I thought it was 4:30 in the morning instead of in the afternoon of the same day. I called a friend and talked for awhile, then fell back asleep. I was woken up several times to do various things, (eat, chores, etc.) but every time I was woken up, it wasn't hard to wake up or get up. I just completed whatever task I was supposed to do, then went right back to bed.

Overall, I liked the experience. The visual surprises weren't intense; I hadn't lost complete control of my body. It wasn't an intense experience at all for me. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that I ate a few snacks and drank a lot of water, always a rule for me when experimenting or getting high. I'm going to do it again sometime in the semi-near future, perhaps in a few weeks or a month or so, and try taking more, to see if I can get a more intense high, and if I like it or not. I wasn't too fond of the lost train of thought when talking to others, but I seemed to find a perfect center for myself, where I could be at peace, sort of like when I meditate. That was my favorite part. I could compare it to staying up for an extended amount of time, still participating in activities, thinking about the situations and circumstances in your life, and having little random visual surprises to go along with it.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34716
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 14, 2007Views: 8,478
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Diphenhydramine (109) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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