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Dancing Fever
Citation:   Shylo. "Dancing Fever: An Experience with DXM (exp34862)". Nov 1, 2004.

T+ 0:00
1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 210 mg oral DXM (capsule)
This is an account of mine and my husbands experience with DXM last night. First a little background. We are both well experienced with many different kinds of drugs, and we ALWAYS research before we try anything new. We had researched for weeks before deciding that we would try DXM, not in syrup form, but in gelcap form. I went on the internet and within a couple minutes found DexAlone, which has DXM as it's only active ingredient. I ordered only one box and received it in about a week. OK, lets call my husband T.

4:30 pm
1 hour before dosing: T ate a bunch of those frozen spicey chicken pieces and drank 2 beers. I did not eat anything since noon, but did drink one beer hoping to boost my experience a little. I was in a superb mood considering it was Friday and there's no work on Monday. T on the other hand was in a foul mood, and I cautioned him repeatedly against taking DXM in such a bad mood, but he took it anyway! We had decided since this is our first experience we would cozy up alone in our apartment.

5:30 pm
we each took 7 gelcaps with water all at about the same time. this amounted to 210 mg of DXM. We then showered and sat down to watch a movie.

6:30 pm
I started to feel a little different. So I got up to go to the bathroom and definitely noticed a bouncy, almost light floaty feeling when I walked. I also had a huge grin plastered to my face and when I looked in the mirror my pupils were the size of walnuts. I went out and told T that I was starting to trip. He told me he was also, but didn't seem to be feeling as much as me.

7:00 pm
The effects really start comeing on. My muscles are feeling twitchy, and I can't seem to sit still for more than 2 seconds. I decided to put on some of my favorite house music - DJ Sonix. I get up and start to move around. Stretching feels very good and so does dancing. My stomach feels a little weird. Very grumbly, not naseau or gas, but just as if I were very hungry. T is also feeling twitchy, but he prefers to just lay on the couch with his eyes closed (he compared it to being in a K hole). All of a sudden I felt as though I needed to poop. So did T. We both practically ran to opposite bathrooms thinking we might not make it. (sorry if this is a little gross, but it is a detail of our experience, and I feel the need to include everything.) It felt very relieving to go, and when I was finished I noticed I was tripping harder than before. This is where things get really good for me, but really bad for T. I go into the living room and turn up the music. I feel chilly (it is 80 degrees inside!) so I put on my slippers and start to dance. My skin feels tingly, and I cannot stop playing with my long hair.

I start to get hot and sweaty so I take off my slippers and keep dancing. Time seems to have practically stopped. At this point T is going between lying on the couch and sitting on the toilet. Every time he took a poop, he tripped harder. I was happily and comfortably at a first plateau, while T was quickly going into an upper 2nd plateau. We are not sure why he was affected so much more. He was actually having hallucinations, while I had none. He felt no need to dance, or move, while I couldn't stop.

I feel myself drop from feeling very good, to practically nothing at all. T is looking pretty miserable from being on the toilet about 7 or 8 times so he suggests going to bed, which sounded like a good idea. As I lay there in bed with my eyes closed, my imagination is running pretty wild. I'm not sure if I was having closed eye hallucinations or if it was just my imagination, but I was thinking and seeing some pretty neat things. Eventually I drifted off into a very pleasant sleep.

I wake up very refreshed and happy. I slept great and feel no sign of a hang over

T wakes up. he tells me that he really didn't sleep much at all, and was tripping considerably hard still at 4:00 in the morning. He had got up to go to the bathroom and said his legs felt like jello. He told me that he is feeling strange and a bit disoriented this morning.

Well thats it folks. My husband says he still had fun, for the most part, but I think if we do this again, we will get him some immodium and give him a smaller dose. I had a wonderful experience.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34862
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2004Views: 31,762
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DXM (22) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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