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Codeine Hell!
Citation:   Landon. "Codeine Hell!: An Experience with Codeine (exp3491)". Oct 28, 2000.

5 tablets oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
Over the past years, me and my friend had fallen into quite the drug habbit. We smoked, or tripped almost every chance we possibly had. Then the worst problem of all arose, no money. We had to find some way to get inebriated. When you're 15, this isn't always easy. I went through my drug cabinet in a frenzy, and stumbled across some Tylenol with codeine that my mom had left over from her surgery. We decided to give it a try.

We each took five pills. Soon we were in codeine bliss. A sort of general euphoria and light headedness was felt, with a highly increased sense of well being. We were having a great time. That's when we decided to go outside and throw fireworks at neighborhood children. Soon enough we started getting pissed at eachother for no apparent reason. Our skin got the most horrible irritated fealing, and itched like a mother. Next, we started vomiting in his front yard. We felt sick for hours afterward and highly regret taking them. I have tried to repeat the experience on a much lower dose, but I still feal sick. I wouldn't suggest that you try this yourself.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3491
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2000Views: 27,764
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Codeine (14) : Health Problems (27), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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