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Blinding White Light
2C-I & Cannabis
Citation:   Orion. "Blinding White Light: An Experience with 2C-I & Cannabis (exp35623)". Mar 23, 2005.

20 mg oral 2C-I (capsule)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It was the end of my Freshman year at college, right before finals, when I first heard about 2C-I. A friend of mine had a connection and was telling me all about this interesting new drug he'd researched. I'd spent most of the year considering hallucinogens such as acid, but at the time it was available I wasn't ready for it. My only previous hallucinogen experiences were with Salvia and (argueably) some laced weed when I was younger. After checking it out online, I decided to go for it...

I am usually a very careful person when it comes to experimenting with new drugs. That night was an exception to my usual. That said it was an amazing experience. As the opportunity was sprung on me, I made almost no preparations. the usually run of dorm-room partying was all that was going on, and we decided we'd participate as much as we felt like. Another friend of mine (A) decided to join myself and my friend with the connection (B). Both A and B were siginificantly more knowledgable about hallucinogens, though in terms of drugs in general we balance out somewhat. I felt safe doing this with them, and that was the most important thing to me.

B returned with the 2C-I, which came in the form of a white powder inside a clear plastic capsule, around 1030 PM or so. We ingested a pill each, except for A who had two (40mg), and chilled in the room of a friend of mine, watching futurama and waiting for it to kick in. Having read that it can take a while, we were patient, and carried on as if we hadn't done anything out of the usual. I believe that the effects came on much sooner for both of my friends than it did for me. A was definitely affected first, and began laughing with no particular direction. He then withdrew somewhat from the group, as did B who was also feeling effects. I think I experienced my first effects closer to 12 or so, though I couldn't be sure. The last thing I felt like doing was checking the time.

The first effects as far as I remember, were a change in my perception of the brightness and atmosphere of the room. I became somewhat giddy without actually finding anything particularly funny. I afterward determined that as I was comming up I was feeling the beginning effects of the drug, and the laughter was largely a feeling of relief that something was actually going to happen. The wait, and the fact that it had hit my friends first, had me worried for a while.

We decided to go out for a few bowls at about this point. This was the greatest factor in the trip as far as I can tell. Up until smoking, I felt fairly in control of my perceptions. there were some minor differences from normal, and of course the urge to laugh that I described, but I knew I was tripping and that gave me some perspective on reality. After smoking my perception of reality went completely out the window. This manifested itself in a number of ways as the night went on, but I am certain that the pot had a huge effect on the trip, as both myself and my friends seemed completely changed and energized afterwards. We rejoined our friends in front of the dorm, but after a few minutes we realized we could not interact with them at all. They weren't where we were, and vice versa. Everything that made sense to me didnt make sense to them, and meaningful communication seemed impossible to me/us. We went to B's dorm instead. Our preception was really off by the time we got there. When I say that I mean that what I see and feel and hear is perfectly normal, but how I fit into that is completely different. It was mostly my self perception that was changed, and it was much more of a mental trip than a visual one.

We had to pass security to enter the building and it was possibly the most tense experience of my life. While waiting for the elevator we all stared at the same flyer, which depicted our legal rights in regard to room searches. Useful information but completely lost on us at the time. We could barely contain ourselves as the elevator doors opened, and we all collapsed in laughter (except for B who began ranting about security and the mood they impose on people entering the building, an rant very characteristic of B and part of why I like him so much). I laughed all the harder because of him. We made it to his room, which is painted glaring white.

This whitness is significant to me. It was way to much to handle. At various points throughout the evening I became overwhelmed and had to leave the room. I disguised this move by telling them I needed some water, and A went with me every time (I think he was having some of the same issues as myself). Everytime we left, we 'met up' in the hallway. I say met up because part of the trip was, once he was out of sight, he was for all purposes gone from my experience. It was always a surprise to run into him in the hallway. The water definitely got to me too. In my eyes it was freakishly BLUE, like wiper fluid for a car BLUE. I was convinced that was what I was drinking, even though I knew it couldn't be. Upon returning from the first drink break, we found out B had gone into another friend's room, and we followed suit.

This was the weirdest part of the night by far. This friend smokes a lot of pot, and his room definitely reflects it. There are giant tapistrys in a sort of goldish brown color on the wall and the ceiling (covering the light), with Indian-esq patterns on them. In the middle of the room is a giant bong (one of the coolest I've seen). A bunch of people I only sort of know are scattered throughout the room, watching Love Actually and talking. The room itself really got to me. I felt like I had left the normal dorm world I know and love, and entered a Hash den in India (not having been in any such thing, I don't know if this is an accurate description, but I was convinced at the time). In this new perception, the people around the room took on a family-like aspect. I could determine the father figure, who led and ran the family, a mother figure, counterpoint to the father, and many brothers and sisters. Each fit some stereotype... there was a druggie brother, and a proper sister... etc. it was really weird to me when they started arguing about something, which immediately called to mind family bickering, further enhancing the perception.

The trip definitely peaked here. Not only was my perception completely changed (as formentioned) but reality seemed to actually change for me. For example, there was a point in time when I lost the distinction between my thoughts and my speech. I could have sworn that I carried on a three person conversation (with A and B) for almost 10 minutes. I remember looking from one to the other as they 'talked' to me, and directing myself towards who I was speaking to, and 'speaking' to them. I could even see them speaking (mouths moving, gestures, etc.)! apparently none of this happened... though I was probably sitting there gesturing back and forth at nothing. To be honest, we were all smoking so much at the time that I doubt if anyone noticed enough to be surprised. I did carry on some actual conversations as well, and tried to make sense of the movie (which, having watched at a later date, was an impossible task at the time). Myself and A were eventually overwhelmed and had to leave, along with another, relatively sober, friend of mine, C. We went outside at that point, and myself and A discussed our experience thus far with C. I believed at the time that the things I was saying couldn't possibly make any sense unless you were doing what I was at the time, but apparently I managed to make some sense after all.

As I said before, most of what was happening to me was entirely based on perception. I certainly wasn't acting normal, but I wasn't nearly as 'gone' as I percieved myself to be.

Im going to skip a lot now, because it was a 6 or 7 hour trip, and the next bit is a lot of the same. Comming down was one of the most interesting parts of the entire experience anyway. My perception of comming down was a gradual ordering of thoughts and potential realities. I was convinced that the drug had ripped my out of my 'normal' pre-drug reality, and thrust me into a spectrum of different realities all depending on my perceptions. I could go from an unnaturally positive perception to a comparitive negative one with ease. I had no idea where my perceptions had been before the trip, and my only goal (if you will) in the come down was finding a reality that I could deal with, that seemed like it might be relatively normal, and hold onto it until the end of the trip. I felt that I was evaluating different experiences for the chances of being 'real' or normal, and using them as guides to finding a state of mind that could function in the normal world. I eventually leveled off in one 'plane of existence' that seemed normal enough to me, and quickly forgot/ disregarded the entire notion of finding a reality. This may have been because the trip was actually ending, or maybe I just needed to reassure myself that I could get back to a normal place.

In retrospect, I don't think it is necessarily possible to have choosen a different reality. I think I am the same person with the same general perceptions as I was when I started out. But at the time (as is the case with everything that happened) I feverently believed what was happening to me was very real. I am very glad that I tried this drug. I had an amazing time, and would do it again if I have the chance (and the right environment). My only note of caution is to prepare for a trip that leaves you doubting your sanity for a while, and know that you will eventually right yourself. I haven't yet experienced any negative side effects from the drug, and it has been about three months now since I tried it. I would like to try it again, and see if the effects are at all similar. I would also like to investigate how it interacts with pot some more. I am not sure if the pot was a key factor in the trip, or if it simiply kicked in around the time we smoked.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35623
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 23, 2005Views: 14,039
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2C-I (172) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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