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Mdma Effects and After Effects
Citation:   Cand-e-boi. "Mdma Effects and After Effects: An Experience with MDMA (exp3566)". Oct 31, 2000.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
i first tried ecstasy at a friends party in May of 2000, and i had the best time of my life. When the X started kicking in, we smoked some cannabis, so the full effects of the X were cloudy. I didnt seem to notice that things were more 'beautiful' as people say, but the touch and hearing senses were greatly magnified. the total peak effects were about 3 1/2 hrs, then the come down. The next day, i didnt have the mdma hangover, but i did obssessivly want to do it again. in about a week the want for X had diminished, but i did want to do it again.

I recently rolled X again at a L.A. rave, but this time i didnt smoke cannabis, and its a total different experience! Nothing was clouded, everything was 'beautiful' every person who walked by was beautiful, every light, the music, everything. The experience wasnt as long as the first one (peak effects lasting around 3 hrs, probably due to dosage, and purity), but the experience was extremely better. the problem was, i had the mdma hangover the second time around. the day after i was ok, but the second day after, was the most depressing day ever. i was crying all day, most of it was over nothing. when i did have a reason to cry, it was because i wanted to do X again. Even though the after effects are sometimes harsh (depression etc..), X is still my drug of choice.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3566
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 31, 2000Views: 6,062
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MDMA (3) : Various (28), Depression (15), Addiction & Habituation (10), General (1)

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