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A Realization
Leonotis leonurus
Citation:   weary. "A Realization: An Experience with Leonotis leonurus (exp35747)". Aug 8, 2004.

4 bowls smoked Leonotis leonurus (flowers)
Well all the claims had me wondering... 'Hmmm, a possible good marijuana substitute.' So yeah i fell for it and bought some (50grams worth!) after reading some decent reviews.

So i recieved it and smoked four bowls, well maybe even five. Purely the flowers only, and well I must say... placebo effect came into play here. I thought i was getting high, but as soon as i decided to challenge it and think 'No your not.' I wasn't. It was not intense, and it was not anything like MJ. Sorta like inhaling a bunch of smoke, and kinda light headed.

Sadly I had the expectations of MJ in my mind, and was waiting for the signs... although nothing came/happened. I have been a hard head for some drugs in the past, like Salvia Divinorum, I had smoked 8 bowls and nothing... but a week later I smoked 2 and I was almost unconcious. I dont know if this is similar with Wild Dagga, but i sure hope so.

To the people of curiousity... if you want to try it by all means spend your money, but for those who are looking for a quality MJ experience... buy the MJ. Even if times are dry as a desert, I would not smoke this stuff. I will try it a few more times because I have so much... if nothing comes then its going on Ebay! ;)

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35747
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2004Views: 22,643
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Leonotis leonurus (119) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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