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Every Worry I've Ever Had Was Gone
Citation:   DragonChased. "Every Worry I've Ever Had Was Gone: An Experience with Heroin (exp35865)". Jul 26, 2018.

2 lines insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)

I've always been into opiates and until last night I had strayed away from Herion as hard as possible, but things change. I buy my OxyContin precrushed occasionally and my dealer and I usually split my purchase, we're close friends. He offered me some china white and in a craving I accepted it.

It tasted like a vicodin that doesnt quite go down right except good, and as I was breathing in the second line I felt the unmistakable high that people rave about with herion. It started at my feet and crept its way up to my head and then down my arms. It was incredible. The intial swept away feeling lasted about 5 minutes and then I just started to feel warm and good, really good. Every worry I've ever had was gone.

I was sitting on Hers' couch, thats my dealer, in his bedroom. And the feeling persisted for about 4 hours. He bought the next round and we stayed up til early this morning doing lines. Looking back on it I problably did way to much for a first time and I can definately say I'm down for this agian. If this is what herion feels like I'm set to be an addict.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35865
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 26, 2018Views: 2,801
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Heroin (27) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), General (1)

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