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A Lasting Euphoria
Citation:   Prisoner of Society. "A Lasting Euphoria: An Experience with Caffeine (exp3606)". Mar 5, 2001.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:00 100 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
It was about 7:15am and I decided to take a caffeine pill. I took it because I heard it would make you more hyper and more attentive. I also took it because I had absolutely no motivation in my life. I popped one caffeine pill and drove to school. I was expecting another boring day, the same damn daily routine. When I got to school, which was around 7:50, I looked at my pain-in-the-ass friend as being one of the most interesting people I'd ever seen. I looked around the halls of the school that I normally hate because my peers don't treat me that well as not being a nuisance, but as being irrelevant. I didn't care if I was looked down upon or if I was called a fag or weird. I had total apathy, and I chatted with my friend with the most enthusiasm I ever had in my life.

The euphoria cooled down and I was just feeling content, nothing more than that. Then, at around 10:30, we had a school mass (I go to a catholic school). Everyone else was paralyzed, but my friend told me a couple of jokes and I felt awake. Then, while my friend started to doze off, I fell into a state of complete laughter. I laughed for about 20 minutes straight, trying painfully to hide it.

Throughout the rest of the day I was more sociable, and society's prejudices were swept away. I felt more alive, and my pessimism seemed to disappear.

But when I went home I was hit with astonishingly severe depression and I never felt worse in my life. Everything was boring, plain, disgusting. So I decided to take another pill. I took half (100mg), and before I knew it I was happy as hell the rest of the day, and I crashed at 10:30, and I had a good night's sleep.

It has been 6 months since that experience, and my entire personality has changed. I changed from a pessimist to an optimist, depressed to being happy, and I finally have some motivation (or a source of it anyway).

Here's my advice. If you have the above symptoms or you're bored off your ass, or if you feel that you are going to have another boring routine tomorrow, take 100-300mg when you wake up. The crash should occur at around three. There are 2 solutions, take 1 more pill or take a nap. I prefer taking a nap. If this routine works out, then you're definitely a sucker for stimulants. My emotional withdrawal for everyday life has vanished. Give it a try.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3606
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2001Views: 52,192
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Caffeine (11) : Various (28), Health Benefits (32), General (1)

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