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Woke Up Completely Dressed
Citation:   Gossamer. "Woke Up Completely Dressed: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp36636)". Sep 15, 2019.

  oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
My Experiences With Ambien

The first time I did Ambien was a few months ago when I found it in my mother's cabinet. I had heard about it from friends who had done it and said they had gotten high and really liked it and hat not been able to remeber much. At first I didn't think much of what they said, until I tried it. I was thinking along the lines of like getting a marijuana like high from it which is not at all what happened.

I took 3 tablets (30 mgs) and waited what seemed like hours for the effects to kick in, finally I got frustrated and took a bike ride to go buy some pot, bad idea. I remember meeting the dealer and getting my bag. After that I remember getting on my bike a swerving a little on the side walk and that was about it, I don't remember the route I took home, stopping at stop lights or crossing streets which I would have to have done. I do remember being back at my house after and throwing up and that is about it. The next morning I woke up completely dressed with my shoes and socks on and not even under my covers, my first thought was 'what the fuck happened?'. Because all of my memories felt like they were dreams, the only part that was missing was the supposed enjoyable intoxication, I don't even remember being high or feeling good, which to me made ambien a pointless drug to do. I also don't remember a 'coming up' feeling of the effects beging. To this day the whole idea of not being able to remember biking home 3 miles at night is really scary.

The second time I did Ambien (3 days ago), I took 2 initially and must have decided to take another during the experience, I had prepared to write in my journal and be surprised in the morning to find what I had written and not be able to remember it. I had also lost power so I had candles on my desk, which at the time were an unknown hazard. So I began to write and reading it now I only rember writing some of it and a little from the experience itself. I also made a ridiculous painting: at some point I must have gotten q-tips from my bathroom; I began dipping them into the candle wax and painting in my journal with the wax, I was also satisfying some urge to play with fire because I was also lighting the q-tips on fire and caught my journal on fire and burnt a hole in it, I remember doing all this and not thinking at the time what I'm doing is fucking ridiculous, I have no memory thinking to my self 'god I'm fucked up' nothing like that EVER occurred to me.

Here are some notes from my experience some of which I am still trying to decipher:

'Leah love and drugs shell time lime the roof and a pool beneath where you can gaze at the stars and swim at night haze of pot smoke filtered through air, he'

'This Ambient experience has turned to a life of death between my art from music and TiHKAL'

'Ahh, Flood lights up against the center black wall cast our awe and shadows of this accomplishment for the academey '

'Switchboard plugs hated the most in Latin America'

'Leave it to the truth seekers, are they gonna lay it down now?'

None of this has much to do with anything that I know about other than the fact I was reading TiHKAL before it kicked in. Also something strange I did was take a pair of hemastats and hold them in the candle long enough to get hot so I could burn my self in three lines on my left hand. It felt like it wanted like burn myself or go for a bike ride really late at night. Honestly I don't see what's to enjoy because I can't remember feeling good. I would rather smoke pot or do shrooms any day.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36636
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 15, 2019Views: 1,202
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Difficult Experiences (5), Not Applicable (38)

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