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Great Pain Killer; Horrible High
Citation:   Realeyez2realize. "Great Pain Killer; Horrible High: An Experience with Methadone (exp36666)". Mar 3, 2018.

  insufflated Methadone (ground / crushed)
The first time I had ever heard of Methadone was about four or five days ago. I'm not into popping pills, so I didn't think much about its rare availability, here in this small little town I call home. A few of my friends had been popping them every other night, primarily to increase the buzzing affect of beers -- just like they do with Vics, perks, zannys...ect.

Like I said, that's not exactly me. I've played a bit with vics, once with zannys, but as far as pill popping goes, I'd rather just smoke, or get drunk. My girlfriend, however, is somewhat of a straight edge. It's taken two years of dating for her to try smoking and drinks rarely (which I don't mind). Anyway, recently she broke her hand and had to get the bone reset and casted. When she asked if she could have something for her pain, they prescribed her Tylenol 3's, which I personally know to be 100% useless against pain (I broke my wrist years ago and they gave me that shit -- completely useless).

She asked if I could 'find' her something for her hand. At first I was going to pick up vics, but remembered my friend mentioning that Methadone was 10x stronger. Unsure of what exactly Methadone did, or was used for, I started researching, gathering a collection of affects, side affects, potential problems and all that. Then, I tried it for myself -- I would never give someone (especially my love) something I haven't tried.

I'm used to snorting pills, mostly X and Adderall (sp?), and the few times I tried zannys or vics, also I've snorted coke and shit like that, so it's not that I'm not used to snorting things...but I kid you not, Methadone is the equivalent of snorting fiber glass. Instantly I felt as though if I flared my nostrils the smallest bit they would start bleeding, my throat felt like it was being scratched every time I swallowed the drip, and I was coughing and having problems breathing shortly after -- it was the same feeling of spraying a fire extinguisher in an inclosed room -- the whole feeling of suffocating. NOT FUN.

I instantly begin buzzing, but it was nothing more than a severe head rush. I weight perceptions were out of wack, my vision felt enhanced, but other than that, I just felt really stoned. Needless to say, it wasn't worth it, I could have smoked and been a lot happier, plus the affects wore off within an hour or two, leaving me for the remainder of the night with waving headaches.

Still, the only real negative affects I felt were primarily for my stupidity to snort the damn thing, and I did experience numbness while under the influence, so I made the decision to give her half the dose that I took (a half pill or 15mg). She ate it, and within 15 minutes her hand was numb. Within 30 minutes, her body was numb, and she was feeling euphoric. A few hours later she would start to get tired and every now and the drug would start to ware off, but within a half our the affects would start kicking in again. Needless to say, she's taken two for the past two days, she's not taking one today, and her hand feels perfectly fine.

For that reason, I'm happy. It did what I hoped it would do, which is relieve her pain, but I did read about the addictiveness of them. In my opinion they're something nice for a couple of days of serious pain, but not for the entire healing process.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36666
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2018Views: 1,936
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