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Tasteless, Blackish-green Plastic
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   kerry. "Tasteless, Blackish-green Plastic: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp37340)". Oct 11, 2004.

  oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (extract)
i have been doing san pedro once or twice a month for about a year now and although the experiences have been truly life changing (for the better) i can't help but notice that it tastes like shit. i have even heard people say that they would rather eat a nugget of their own shit to get the experience rather than drink a glass of cacti. fortunately i have recently discovered how to brew completely tasteless cacti. the only problem is im still a bit unsure of the correct dosage. if u guys and girls try this method maybe u could help us all by submitting ur findings aswell.

U will need:
a sharp knife(s) preferably serrated
two pots of roughly the same size
a 50x50cm piece of cotton sheet (or something similar, cotton works best)
a good strong spatula or paint scraper
a blender (or a glass bottle if u don't have a blender)
a dessert spoon
and of course some freshly picked san pedro (what u consider a dose for urself, plus doses for ur mates if they are keen aswell)

(1) cut the green layer off the outside of the cacti, leaving the skin and prickles on. cut the green shit into little chunks, the smaller the better, leaving the skin and prickles on.

(2) put the chunks into the blender and wizz it til it is mainly liquid. if u don't have a blender put it a pot and mash it up with the bottle, mash it good.

(3) pour the cacti from the blender into a pot and add a half glass of water. if u mashed it with a bottle u'l be already ready, good for u. add water aswell.

(4) turn the stove up to high and stir almost continually. after a while the foamy blended or mashed cacti will begin to break down into a brownish slime. turn the stove down to half and stir continuously for 45 minutes.

(5) take the pot off the stove and let it cool, a good way to do this is to put it in a bath or sink with cold water or ice. this may take a hour (at most).

(6) ok now get the piece of sheet or whatever u have and drape it across the top of the other pot, let it sink into the pot a bit but make sure the sheet edges aren't inside the pot. this sheet is used to strain the little solid bits of skin, prickle and plant material out. now pour the cooled cacti into it. get someone to lift the edges of the sheet up as u pour so the solid shit doesn't fall in. if u have lots of cacti strain little bits at a time so it doesn't get awkward.

(7) now hold the sheet up by it edges like a soiled nappy (or diaper, depending where ur from) and slowly twist it so the juice drips into the pot. once it is tight squeeze the cacti until only a little bit of juice comes out. now twist it tight again and resqueeze. repeat until dry. have a look at the strained solids before u throw them away. yummy.

(8) put the pot on the stove and turn the heat up to three quarters. as the cacti boils down, slowly turn down the heat. it mite b worthwhile to add little bits of water to the brew as u cook it so it doesn't burn. make sure u stir it as much as possible, especially as it gets close to the bottom of the pot because burning will fuck up ur brew. the cacti will boil down pretty quickly so stay ready.

(9) ok this is the most important part of the process. once the cacti gets really low in the pot it will start to go sticky like glue. turn the heat down to low. now use the spatula and the back of the spoon (for the bits that the spatula doesn't reach) to scrape and roll the thickening cacti, don't let it stay still for more than 2 or 3 seconds. u want to do this for as long as possible so the cacti is as solid (it will go like nearly dried glue, it won't be sticky to the touch) as possible but also doesn't burn. now take the pot of the stove and scrape all the cacti off. touch and examine it to see if it is still sticky. if it is really sticking to ur fingers u will have to reheat it again. this is no problem however, as long as it doesn't burn.

(10) before the cacti cools really hard u want to pick little bits off the the motherlump and roll them into little balls. i try to make them really small so i absorb them faster. this can take time so get everybody in on the fun. when the cacti balls cool completely they will look and feel like little bits of blackish green plastic.

(11) fantastic, u now have tasteless, easy to take mescaline. if u used ur usual dose of cactus, and so did ur buddies then u should split the balls into even piles, maybe by weighing them if u have scales. i took about 50 balls of various size and it was the most intensely hallucinogenic, pleasurable and at times insane cacti buzz i have ever had. the balls have zero taste and i chased them with water which was fine except for the fact i was bloated as fuck.

good luck and great tripping guys, i hope this method works for u. if u can find a correct dose formula, or a better way to brew these balls, then please write in and spread the news. cheerio

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37340
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 11, 2004Views: 24,980
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Not Applicable (38), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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