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Citation:   nom de plume. "Depressant: An Experience with Damiana (exp37525)". Oct 18, 2004.

740 mg oral Damiana (capsule)
Curious about damiana's reputed effects as a general and reproductive tonic, I got my hands on some capsules from the local health food store and resolved to give it a try. The first dose was taken approximately four p.m., and the second about eight p.m. Both doses were of two capsules, each capsule rated for 370 mg.

Throughout the evening I was profoundly depressed and uninterested in sex. I had a strange drained feeling, much like what I would expect to have from an overdose of St. John's Wort or similar psychoactive drug. As the evening went on, it became difficult to think clearly or to have any emotions beyond anxiety and depression.

The instructions on the bottle called for a dose of one to three capsules twice daily with water or food. Perhaps I took too much, but I should note in my own defense that the depression and anxiety were present shortly after taking the first dose. In both cases I took the doses with water after eating.

The following morning, I am still feeling a bit down, but not quite to the extent I experienced while the dose was active. I suspect it will be another day or so at least before I am fully back to normal.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37525
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 18, 2004Views: 34,575
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Damiana (107) : Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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