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On Top of the World
Citation:   h.c. tim. "On Top of the World: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp37578)". Jul 29, 2005.

  insufflated Methamphetamine (daily)
My first experience with speed was pretty shitty (no pun intended) and occurred near the end of my sophomore year of high school. One of my friends called me and said he had heard I was curious about trying it. I verified his own curiosities and invited him over for the night.

He arrived at my house at 8 pm while my mother was asleep and my sister was out of the house. We went to my room and he pulled out a shit pipe which I recognized and a bag of crystals. Then I was interrupted by a phone call from a girl who had a crush on me and was extremely intoxicated. Putting that aside, we smoked a bowl before my sister got home and I was disappointed when I did not feel anything (that's what I thought).

When my sister left again around 10 pm we smoked another bowl or two and I started to play guitar. Matt turned to be a very good singer and he started to sing along to whatever I was playing. I began to feel very creative and euphoric. The music felt so good and his voice was beautiful. We smoked and played for a few hours until I decided it was too loud.

I started getting phone calls from the drunk girl again around 11 pm. She didn't stop calling until about 1 am and every time I talked to her I felt very nervous and anxious to get off the phone. I told my friends I wasn't feeling anything and kept asking Matt to pack another bowl.

We smoked until 7 am in the morning. I was convinced the whole time that I was not feeling the effects. I kept asking for more and agreed to pay Matt $10 next time I saw him. Most of my time was spent lying on the bed trying to be quiet. I was shaking very badly and sweating a lot. I didn't know how to feel and expected to be super fucked up. Looking back, I was completely paranoid the whole time and was alarmed by the slightest of noises…that I was probably imagining anyway.

I did not eat the next day and had a terrible comedown that left me feeling both drained and depressed. Speed was a stupid drug and I did not plan on using it again… Until someone brought it up while we were hanging out, drinking some rum about three months later. We both denounced the drug for about two minutes before we decided we felt like doing it again.

The next week I was at his house with some friends when he told me to go to the bathroom. Walking in I found a fat line cut out on a mirror with a short and hollow bic pen casing next to it. Snorting it burned very badly for about two minutes. I felt on top of the world that whole day and had a deep conversation with my mother the entire ride home. Everything made me very happy and the comedown was not that bad.

It's been almost three months since that day and I have not stopped. Speed is pretty fun and enhances (not fuels) my musical creativity. I stopped buying it two weeks ago but I keep getting it for free anyway so that's pretty cool. I can't stand to smoke the stuff. Smoking seems like an extremely addicting method and after a few tries I still find it repulsive.

I find it very pleasing to mix speed with alcohol. My first week with the drug I was waiting for our dealer to arrive at a friend's house. A guy there rolled a joint and shared it with me. We then took a few shots of Cabo Wabo and sat outside to have some cigarettes. The 'man' showed up and we did lines which perfected our moods. The high from the weed went away very quickly but left me in a relaxed state while feeling lit and euphoric at the same time. I've found shit kills your high VERY fast and that comes in handy sometimes. When I get too drunk while I'm on it I get very loud and extremely active. Other than that I'm just fine and have wonderful conversations with my friends.

Obviously this is a serious drug and I do take it seriously. Pretty fun to use but I've seen at least four guys I know turn into nasty looking fellows. All four of those guys are smokers and one is LITERALLY a psycho, but that happened to him before he started tweaking. ANYWAY…I keep that shit in check. Also, everyone should learn how to play a musical instrument! Thanks for reading. -Pac-Man

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37578
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 29, 2005Views: 16,776
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