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Salvia Melt-Through
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   Satsam. "Salvia Melt-Through: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp3785)". Erowid.org. Dec 26, 2001. erowid.org/exp/3785

3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
About 10pm smoked three hits of Salvia divinorum 10x extract.

As I held the third hit, I felt my consciousness splatter across three dimensional space.

I heard someone walking up the steps a couple of stories down, in the old creaky wooden hotel I was staying in. My consciousness was riveted to the sound of the footsteps, somehow extending from wherever it was to encompass the space between me and the person returning to his/her room. I felt/saw that person open the door, felt myself merge with the door and then with them. I felt some beings/entities try to hold me back from remembering the big secret that I was witnessing: that there is no difference between this person, myself, the door, the hotel, or anything else in the universe, that we were all the same. I know this sounds like trite new age propaganda, but it actually felt quite terrifying, this realization that nothing truly separates me from the next person, that we are all manifestations of the same thing, whatever that is.

I also felt a strong sense from these entities, as if they were chattering in unison 'what are you doing here?'.

Then I noticed that to the left of the point in the universe where my consciousness was, there was a surface extending to infinity, like a massive wall, with an infinite number of villi-like protuberances emerging from it. These villi were other awarenesses. I noticed/felt family members and friends. Together we were facing the void, facing oncoming time, which was advancing from my right. The surface of this wall was in constant movement, but it wasn't as if anyone was moving, rather it was as if there was a constant flux of protuberances emerging and being re-absorbed by the surface. Life and death? I don't know.

Interestingly, when I returned to a normal state, after about 15 minutes, I did not initially remember the first part of the experience, that of merging down a floor, and the sense of a hidden secret, all I remembered was the awesome image of the infinite wall of consciousnesses and the onslaught of oncoming time. It was the next day, in the shower, that the full, or what I hope is the full, recollection hit me.

I'm not sure I'd say that anything about this experience was fun or recreational. I still have no idea what to make of it. I am tempted to try it again, but also terrified.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3785
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2001Views: 8,201
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Alone (16)

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