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Transfiguration of Existence
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Niman. "Transfiguration of Existence: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp38005)". Feb 12, 2023.

T+ 0:00
3.6 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 0:00 Continuous hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 3:00   oral Alcohol - Hard  
Hi, I am a 16 year old from Massachusetts and last night November 6, 2004. Me, my neighbors and other close friends decided to purchase lsd for the first time and I was to take three tabs. The day was perfect and the sky was crisp but comforting. We waited at my neighbor's house for this entry, his name will be referred to as Flo. At about 6 o'clock a friend of mine called me and told me that all of the lsd around was gone. Me and my friends were absolutely pissed and sat silent for awhile until another friend, let's call him Argentina, gave my cell phone a call. Turns out he had match and a half zip of mush. I told him to come ASAP and they were within 10 minutes of the phone call.

We quickly went into Flo's room and began scaling the mushrooms. My friend Pete asked if I wanted to split an eighth but I was feeling like I needed a heavy trip and nothing less then an eighth would do it. I had traded my inside out bubbler earlier that day and received 100% profit. I decided to purchase a full eighth for Pete. I have experimented which many psychoactives such as marijuana, Salvia divinorum, Salvia extract, 2C-I, Opium, Ketamine, Hashish, various painkillers, Ecstasy, hawaiian baby wood rose seeds, heavenly blue morning glory seeds, speed and my personal favorite psychedelic mushrooms. This particular mushroom trip is my 9th.

7:40 - Ingestion. I sit down at Flo's couch and my mushrooms sit on a glass plate in front of me. I quickly eat my mushrooms washing them down with sparkling grapefruit juice, good choice. I split open my thick bluely bruised stems to find white gooey mycelium inside of the mushroom. The caps are so mushy and a dark brown color. I have a wonderful hunch of the experience to follow.

8:20 - I begin tripping. I go outside to smoke with many people who have come to Flo's shed. We continuously match bowls until I cannot handle myself. I cannot follow conversation, and I am forced into a state of deepened meditation. I wake from this trance and stand up I must go inside. I return to Flo's room to watch the Phish It DVD that I purchased earlier that evening.

8:50 - I am engulfed in a visionary paradise, looking at Alex Grey's Transfigurations earlier has sent me spun into my own energy pool. I can focus on the pattern inside of me and expand it, my eyes shut and I breakthrough.

9:30 - First half of the DVD ends. I feel like I have missed much of the DVD and the set was more of a short jam. I try finding the other half of the DVD but I am lost. My vision is warped I am unable to make out where everyone is. But I am content.

9:50 - Second half of the DVD is turned on after a short smoking session and a walk outside. The trees are swaying in the crisp wind and the stars are showing powerful auras. I return inside and lie on the floor.

10:20 - I am in the peak of my trip. I do not need to talk. I can listen to everything going on in the room from an unspecified perspective. I see through conversation and search for personality, I am disappointed by some of the things that are apparent.
I am in the peak of my trip. I do not need to talk. I can listen to everything going on in the room from an unspecified perspective. I see through conversation and search for personality, I am disappointed by some of the things that are apparent.
Many people at this gathering have taken speed and e and I am on a much different frequency. I have a feeling that they find me lying on the floor as a sign of weakness, or of stupidity. I don't understand, while the people are scared or sympathetic for me. I begin rubbing my forehead as it bulges far from my original it is growing. My hands begin to lose shape and gain an earthy look to them, there is no bone in my body.

10:30 - More ecstasy arrives at the party. I debate on hippie flipping but decide against it. I do not need an artificial happiness, besides I rolled the previous night on a few pills. We decide we will smoke in Flo's room and then fishbowl his car.

10:45 - The party which was 20 strong is now down to a close gathering of about 4. We smoke a few bowls inside the car and then we sit outside.

10:50 - I am amazed at what I can comprehend. A floating orb of teal, yellow, orange, red. I am amazed. It is so low in the atmosphere. My friends who haven't taken mushrooms or e on this night are amazed. The ones on them are in disbelief. These lights continue hovering in an empty star filled sky for at least 20 minutes before we decide to go in the shed for one last session. We pass around a cheap bottle of vodka and obtain a new level of fucked up. Flo starts ranting about the ufo, 'When a new level of awareness is obtained this is common.' he said. I don't know if it was an amazing star last night or an amazing being but I will continue to believe.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38005
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 12, 2023Views: 427
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