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A Good Mix!
Ecstasy & Cannabis
Citation:   Jamie. "A Good Mix!: An Experience with Ecstasy & Cannabis (exp384)". Jun 13, 2000.

1.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I normally wouldn't bother to submit a story to something like this, but after reading some of the experiences, i felt i had something to share. It was about a week ago, and i was going to do E with my boyfriend, who had done it before, and my friend who hadn't. I was generally used to the effects and new what to expect. About 35 minutes after ingesting 1 and 1/2 pills, the feeling hit me quicker than ever. The E was extremely good, and it felt almost like the first time. The only problem with me on Ecstacy is that when I come down, I crash. I'm extremely restless, and don't know what to do with myself. This time, when I began to come down, I smoked part of a joint to calm myself down. When the high began to hit me, I immediately felt better. I went down the hall with my friend (this was in my dorm) to go to the bathroom. Everything seemed normal, I was laughing and drying my hands. As I walked down the hallway towards my room, a sudden rush came over me. When I got to the room, suddenly my ears popped, I got lightheaded, and almost passed out. As I lay on the bed, I started to freak out, because I didn't know what was wrong - I felt so wierd. But then, as I looked at the ceiling, I realized I knew what was happening to me. I was tripping. It felt just like as if I had been doing shrooms, only the images weren't as vivid. However, it was different. Faces changed into thousands of different faces, and I found I could change something just by thinking about it. I am convinced that smoking marijuana while on ecstacy highly increases hallucinations and makes for a much better experience.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 384
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2000Views: 11,571
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MDMA (3), Cannabis (1) : Various (28), Combinations (3)

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