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Feel No Evil, Feel No Pain
DXM (with CPM)
Citation:   Saint947. "Feel No Evil, Feel No Pain: An Experience with DXM (with CPM) (exp38405)". Apr 7, 2007.

240 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  600 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: Most Coricidin contains CPM (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) which can be dangerous in high doses. See DXM Brand Warnings for more info.]

I kept logs of my first 2 trips on Coricidin. The last log was easily the most intense trip I have ever had, and I am no newcomer to drugs. I've done OC, Heroin, Pot, Coke, MDMA, Crys and the like. The logs are as follows, unedited from their original form- you can easily trace the path of the trip as my entries continue.


8:37 PM - Going to get the C's- slightly nervous of what the trip will be like- having researched thoroughly, I am confident enough to try it- but nervous about what it may bring.

9:22- Just downed 8 CCC's- 240MG worth. Slightly apprehensive- but slightly indifferent knowing that I can't undo what I have just done. (Edit: I originally took 6, but 2 minutes later figured 'Why not' and took the other 2 already out of the package.)

9:24- Slight pain in stomach- perhaps because I downed the first 6 at the same time.

9:26- Contemplative of situation- wondering what my first 'trip' will be like. Having taken a large dose on my virgin trip, I have high expectations.

9:28 VERY slight feeling of disjointment-(when walking) Could just be me psyching myself out- could be the triple C.

9:32- Noticed the Capri Sun Big pouch in my trashcan is reflecting strongly the light from the front of my PC case. Reflecting neon blue.

9:52- Slight pain in chest- if I didn't know better I'd say it was my heart. Feeling kind of drowsy- and definately disjointed. I haven't stood up yet- dont want to stand up too early and miss the flying feeling.

9:54- Just scrolled my window on my computer down. EXTREMELY FASCINATING. I did this 2 or 3 times before I could pull myself away to type this. I will resume scrolling now. When I look at the window- it's moving hella slow, but when I look at the bar on the side, it seems to be moving quite fast.

10:02- Stood up on reading the news that Yassir Arafat was dead to tell parents. No sense of flying. But definately feel 'odd'.

10:13- Noticing slight trails when I minimize windows on computer, color seems intense. Heavy disjointment- anticipating the beginning of the trip.

10:15- Closed my eyes and felt HEAVY disjointment- felt like my head moved further down, and left my body- often wanted to replicate this feeling.
Moderate nausea induced when my eyes closed. Music seems more 'involving' when I close my eyes, the blackness looks like it continues forever. This makes me slightly nauseous.

10:19- Held my eyes closed and witnessed my first (minor) visual- black lava seemed to be swirling and bubbling when my eyes were closed. There was a slight checkerboard pattern to it. This being my first ever visualization- I must say it was quite fun to watch- not to mention the music I am listening to went perfect with the situation I was witnessing.

10:21- Called friend, lag effect witnessed when dialing.

10:25 Things that emit light have a glow effect to them- namely the light on my electric blanket. Just played the beats to the song I am listening to on my phone, definately fun. Going to attempt to stand up in a minute.

10:29 Time illusion present. Feels like 30 seconds since my last writing when it has been 4 minutes and the time before that it felt like 4 minutes when it had been 30 seconds. Hard to focus eyes, screen seems very bright. Good music selection compliments the visuals I see when I close my eyes. No open eye visuals.

10:31 Listening to trance. VERY INVOLVING.

10:34 I think vision is HIGHLY blurred. I cannot see what I am typing. I felt my face and felt like it was the first time I had ever felt it. Thinking about taking more CCC. Not sure of decision. Waiting for friend to get online to discuss trip so far. Closed eye visuals are very intense but all are black shaded. Curious is this is peak effect because--- HOLY SHIT. The color underneath the window is glowing and changing shades. I just watched it do that, first ever open eye visual.

10:36 I am a white vampire. Going to turn off bathroom light. First time standing up in about 45 minutes- HIGHLY disjointed, may take more to enhance effect.

10:46 Wandered around my house- seemed like forever--- back at computer-- hunched over eyes wide.

9:08AM- 11/11/04

Just woke up. I lost my ability to type down things as they happened. I stood in the hallway, just looking, it looked like it twisted. And when I stepped back it seemed to stretch out longer. When I stepped forward it got shorter. Looked at myself in the mirror and it felt like I was out of my body looking at myself. VERY strange.


not sure if I will repeat this- it was enjoyable, but not that great- kind of bewildering really.


Experience 2 Log:

Doseage: 20 Coricidin Cough & Cold. (30MG DXM each)
Total: 600 MG DXM
Administration Method: Ingestion

9:00 PM: 20 tablets of CCC on table in front of me. Slight anticipation, same as last time but maybe higher because I am taking 2.5 times as much as I did last time. Will begin ingesting 5 at a time.

9:02 PM: Ingested. I like the taste- they coat them in sugar to make them go down easier, and trust me, it helps. Slight shakes from nervousness. Hoping parents go to bed soon, will make this much easier.

9:13 PM: Already feeling slightly disjointed. Definately 'off'.

9:30 PM: Eyes burning like a motherfucker. Have been listening to the CD 'What it is to burn' By Finch. An old favorite that reminds me of 4 years ago when Highschool was new, and everything looked so promising. Now, that promise has faded.

^ ^
| DXM inhibited entries start there. |

9:31 PM: Burning has stopped. Very strange since it was very intense for about 15 minutes, just minutes ago. Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up.

10:23 PM: Losing ability to type. Very intense, music is highly 'involving'. Going to walk around house. Much more disjointed than last time.

1:53 AM: I cant see the keyboard so Im going to bed. I cant differentiate between whats real and whats not. Awoke very scared. No finger coodination......Sound is....strange....comes and goes....the shadow looks like a man bent over but I cant figure it out. I had a dream where I felt like I would puke and feel that way now. To bed with me.

Note: The above entry needs some more explaining because it simply does not do the trip justice.

I woke at about 2 AM, completley confused by what was happening to me. I knew I was on CCC but I was in denial almost. I tried to focus on the corner of my room and get my bearings back, but it would not come. I had just woken from a dream where I was with 2 other of my friends who had tripped Coricidin the day before. In the dream, I felt like I was going to throw up, but I didn't. I awoke with this same feeling. Back to my room. I simply was lost and confused inside my own head.

I started to panic, but after about 10 minutes I had calmed myself down, resigning to the fact that I had taken so much. I began to get a grip on the situation and control the trip. When I closed my eyes, I could see rooms and building being formed in fast motion in front of me, brick by brick. I could do what I wanted. What made this so strange was that I was always very skeptical about 'visuals' wondering if you could really see them, or if it was only a projection in your minds eye. Well, if I focused on the darkness with my eyes closed, they would come into focus, in real color, just as if they were really there. This blew me away.

I moved around on my bed, and knew something was very very off. I felt as if I existed about 6 inches to the left, outside of my body. When I moved my hand, it felt like someone else's hand. I had to get up to use the bathroom, and 'robo-walking' is quite an understatement. I about fell over in the hallway, but managed to make it into the bathroom. When I came back into my room, I was still tripping QUITE hard. I turned off my computer, because of the shadow it was projecting (see my last entry in the log) was freaking me out a bit. When my computer shuts off, the fans whirr a bit, and I heard this all too loudly when I was laying in bed. I thought I had become a bomb. As the whirring got higher and higher, I got more and more tense until there was a point where I thought my organs, and my body in general would spontaneously combust.

When I didn't, I was just laying there, all tensed up for about 5 minutes before I realized I had been 'defused'. At this time, I became highly philosophical, I was writing lyrics to music in my head that I could never have thought of sober. I was creating music with a full orchestra in my head, and I actually heard it. I found that my subconscious was HIGHLY tapped when I was in this state. I could recall verbatim entire scenes from Hamlet, which I had been reading in school, and could never remember normally. I said them out loud, just to impress myself with the power of my brain. I licked my lips and was astonished by the feeling. They felt numb on the inside, but a little feeling on the outer. I later used the 'lip numbness gauge of fuckedup-ness' to determine my inebriation.

All in all, I got about 3 hours sleep. I think I may have actually slept through my peak, but from what it was like at 2AM, I am terrified to think of what the peak would have been like.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38405
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 7, 2007Views: 25,251
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