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Weed Seizures?
Citation:   roundablock. "Weed Seizures?: An Experience with Cannabis (exp38468)". Jan 24, 2007.

  smoked Cannabis
in the years before i started taking benzos (klonopin, valium, xanax, ativan) occasionally, when i would smoke weed, i would blackout, if i was standing i would shake and fall down, and come to wondering what happened, other people smoking the same dope would never have this effect, so i know it wasnt laced. perhaps i experienced seizures brought on by the weed, but ive never heard of this before. since ive been regularly been prescribed an array of benzos, this has not happened, though potency and dosage and smoking method of the weed is the same. i know benzos are antileptics, and prevent seizures, and quitting coldturkey can produce the same, though ive gone a week without pills and had no problem. ive never thought of those episodes as seizures till today when looking at effexor i saw someone else report the similiar effect of pot when combined with effexor. these episodes happened over a period of 6 years, but never regularly. once or twice i actually hit my head from the shaking or convulsing, and freaked some friends out. luckily i never was seriously injured. now, this sounds like a drug induced seizure to me, but from weed? of course, im a major drug addict, in recovery and cant attest as to not being on other drugs at the time, so maybe it was a combination or something. but it makes me think... now i stick to pills but i miss the other friends.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38468
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 24, 2007Views: 10,448
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Cannabis (1) : Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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