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Too Much? Never
2C-I & Cannabis
Citation:   Ephemerides Dragon. "Too Much? Never: An Experience with 2C-I & Cannabis (exp38487)". Erowid.org. Apr 6, 2005. erowid.org/exp/38487

T+ 0:59
40 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
One rainy day I found a ups slip stuck in my door telling me, my good friend from hong kong has sent me my shipment of 100mg of 2c-i. I eargerly and excitedly drove to the post office and picked up my envelope from the post office.

The next day I took out my mirror and razor blade and broke up the 2c-i, first into 50 mg piles each. Then I cut another one in half leaving about 25mg. I added onto this small bump more 2c-i to where I believed the 40mg point should should be. I could definitely be off 5mg each way. I don't recommend this method. I recommend the water method, found here at erowid to break up chemicals into small doses. But I had done 2c-i before, and I was plumb out of graduated cylinders. So I knew approximately how much 20mg would be and worked from there.

I took the dose at about 10-10:30am. It came on faster than I expected, and I decided to take a walk down to the lake. The overwhelmingly positive body high was taking hold. I sat down due to some nausea I was experiencing and looked around. The lake was beautiful with mist rising up off of it. I wondered why no one, even sober, came down here to watch the sheer beauty of the lake. I walked around the lakeshore, and that's where my enlightenment began.

I can't say the visuals were spectacular, when I trip, I barely ever see visuals. I always feel very enlightened, as though I have the power to explain everything in the universe. I thought about what I was living for. What I wanted out of my life, and I realized, I really don't want anything but to experience what I was experiencing at that particular point in time. I thought about the jail system and how it's not a place for rehibilitation, it's merely a place to stick social misfits. I had a feeling I wasn't going to remember my thoughts during this period of time and that I should go to my house and grab my mini tape recorder. I stopped and asked myself why. And I couldn't come up with an answer because it would do no good if I had the recorder or not. All it would enable me to do was wrap myself up in a blanket of my own thoughts and I decided I'm not that insecure of a person.

I walked along the road feeling enlightened and continuing to come up with different thoughts and emotions. I walked to a tunnel that goes underneath the highway that's near my house. The last time I took this chemical, the graffitied paint dripped further into the tunnel as though it were wet and a strong wind was pushing it. I entered the tunnel and I felt an eery overtone in there. I only stood about 5 feet inside and I looked around as I did on my last trip. The paint had the same effect but this time the tunnel began to move around as I moved my eyes around. Enough of that, and I went home.

I sat around until my family showed up at my house, it was thanksgiving. No one could tell I was tripping despite my HUGE pupils, phew. I analyzed the social interaction among everyone and realized why people enjoy sporting events. I don't like sports but the other males in my family really enjoy them, so it was a perfect oportunity to understand and explore their train of thought to it. I discovered, as time goes on in your life, it becomes more and more difficult to feel new things. So people watch sports in an effort to feel something. What if they win? What if they lose? That pitcher sucks, that was a nice hit, etc. And I hoped to myself I would never turn out this way. I went into my room and smoked some marijuana after the thanksgiving dinner. This is where my trip REALLY picked up. This was about 3pm-4pm.

It was just a bowl of regular nugs, but the room started turning. I noticed the shadows on the walls but all I could see was different patterns within them. They looked like faces smiling at me. I looked at the background of my computer and I saw a bunch of different patterns I'd never seen before. I tried to make sense of them, but as I looked deeper I found even newer patterns. I decided there was no way I could sit in here forever with my reletives outside my door. Even though I was tripping really hard, I walked out there and was still able to converse fluidly. Finally, someone changed the station to a movie I could actually watch. The blues brothers. I had never seen it before, but it was spectacular. Very silly and very fluid. I understood everything the writer wanted to convey. 'Wouldn't it be cool if this happend to you? And then this and that, but you felt secure because you knew nothing bad would happen to you because you were on a mission from god.'

Yatta, yatta, yatta, I went to sleep very happily.

Without a doubt, it was the best experience of my life, and I'm leaving out a bunch of details, even though they were equally beautiful to the rest of my trip. I loved it all, no one was harmed, and everyone had a very nice and peaceful time. And it makes me sad to think people, who have never experienced it, and have no idea what psychedelics really do would send me to jail over this. Shit happens I guess, the government is just trampling over the truth as they did when they said the world was the center of the universe in Galileo's time. Maybe one of these days, when this culture dies out and colapses we'll be able to accept the truth. Psychedelics aren't for everyone, and that's great for those who don't wish to participate. But they are for some, and it's a crime against humanity to keep them away from those who are ready and able to accept them for what they are.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38487
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 6, 2005Views: 6,910
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2C-I (172) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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