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Powerful Yet Very Friendly Combination
MDMA (Ecstasy), DPT, Lorazepam (Ativan) & Cannabis
Citation:   crOOk. "Powerful Yet Very Friendly Combination: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy), DPT, Lorazepam (Ativan) & Cannabis (exp38743)". Nov 14, 2009.

T+ 0:00
  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00 49 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:15 12 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:35 12 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 9:40 .5 mg oral Pharms - Lorazepam (pill / tablet)
Just had a very nasty cold for the last week or so. I even had to stay at home Friday and Saturday and had to deal with some very personal problems (friendship problems you could say), that dragged me down at first, but when everything worked out fine and I lost my worries about this thing, I started to feel very content again. Yesterday was Sunday, the last bad day of my cold and it was quite an ordinary Sunday, too. The only medicine I had taken was one application of Xylometazoline nasal gel.

I recently obtained 820mg of MDMA which I had never used in a pure form like that. At least I think it is quiet pure. I had to trust the dealer's word. Trying a threshold dose of 25mg a week prior to the experience made me realize it most certainly was pure MDMA. I rolled a couple of times before, 7 at the most. The last time was about one year ago at a GOA. I consider myself as quiet sensitive to PEA's. I only need to smoke 2mg of 2C-I to see the first visuals.

I also have a small stash of research chems: DPT, 2C-I and 5-MeO-DMT which I have enjoyed a lot in the past couple of months. Anyway my last 5-MeO-DMT and DPT experiences were very very scary, simply because I did not approach them with the proper respect! I had one not so nice experience at 80mg of DPT intranasal and with 5-MeO-DMT I've never experienced anything that I would call pleasant at all, although the experiences were quiet rewarding in their very own way after all.

Over the course of the day I had vaporized roughly one gram of B grade cannabis. I did not feel high at all though. And I mean that. I sometimes get very stoned of 1g marihuana. Anyway the hole day and even the days before I thought about having another DPT trip, another nice one for a change. Between 6:00pm and 7:00pm I had a large meal consisting of one pound of curd (no fat), 500cc milk and 2 eggs, some cocoa powder along with that and all mixed up in a large shake. Yummy!

I then decided to ingest 49mg of MDMA for a start. That was at 7:20pm when it was already completely dark outside. After that I did some reading online about combinations of psychedelics with MDMA. Having no experience at all with this kind of combination, I wasn't sure to go for the DPT and thought about having a shorter trip with 5-MeO-DMT. But I still decided to go for the DPT because that was how I planned it.

After 30-45min the MDMA was coming on very smooth and was barely noticable. No dilated pupils, but still a very enjoyable feeling. No bodily sensations at all at that moment besides a general well being. Conversations with my brother ran very smoothly of course and I told him what I was planning to do tonight. Our parents were at home as well, but they usually don't bother me at night. I got everything together, like fruits, juice, water, set up the TV (for the comedown), the headpones, a nice playlist etc. By the time I got all that done I was starting to feel a little confused, misplaced things and stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary though... :)

The only thing that bothered me was that I was covered in sticky sweat. Its intense smell made me realize that. I took a bath in the morning though... I guess it smelled so bad because I hadn't been able do any sports for more than 2 days because of my cold. I also didn't drink very much water prior to the experience, less than a gallon I think. Anyway as soon as I realized this I killed another gallon of water pretty quick. Which made me urinate like 10 times in a row. that was the only flaw of the whole experience. My parents were downstairs and I felt very suspicious going to the bathroom so often.

I then proceeded to weigh out 24 mg of DPT with my 60s lab scale which I divided into two lines. This may seem awfully careful, but that's what it was supposed to be. After all I had only read one report about this combination and previous experiments showed me DPT is not a substance to fuck around with, although it seems to be quiet forgiving dosis wise.

Anyway I switched off both my phones, snorted one line (8:35pm) and right after that the damn ICQ windows popped up. Should have never put that evil piece of software on my HDD. It was, surprise surprise, my neighbour asking for pot. The town was dry and I had already helped out two other friends and my brother with my personal stash. Oh well, he kept begging so I sent my brother over there to bring him a gram. This was really disturbing my flow and that's what I told him, too. I then shut down the ICQ as well. The only window to civilization was the IRC now, I felt relieved.

While waiting for my brother to come back, I started to feel the drip. It was totally bearable and even the smell of the DPT didn't bother me at all this time. It started to kick in at 8:50pm. I felt immense rushes of energy throughout my body and the music I was listening to sounded much much deeper than usual, way better than with my usual 2C-I dosages! Despite of these waves of energy I physically remained very calm throughout the whole experience. Realizing I'd have to snort the other line in the next 5min to maximize the effects, I did exactly that at 8:55pm.

Over the course of the next 20min the tension started to built up throughout my body.
I usually get a very nasty muscle tension throughout my body when doing DPT, especially in the jaw, the shoulders and quads. Combined with negative thoughts and emotions these tensions can lead to very uncomfortable tremors. To an observer it must probably seem almost like I was epileptic when it's getting really rough.

But this time the tension wasn't unpleasant at all! It was a totally ecstatic feeling, my body felt wonderful and was completely covered by goose skin. I got rid of my clothes at that moment and decided to masturbate. Well, what should I say, sexual pleasure was extremely intensified, a very rewarding dick beating followed. :)

Afterwards I proceeded to lay down on my large sleeping couch in the middle of my room, still without clothes as I feel the most comfortable when being naked like most people when they are alone I guess (?). I could stretch out my arms and legs to every direction and just the movement of my limbs gave me undescribable feelings of well being. At the very peak I was listening to Beethovens 9th symphony, Molto vivace, performed by Nikolaus Harnoncourt and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe in D minor. I was metaphorically swimming through my thoughts and experiences, recovering old memories from childhood and once again getting a lot closer to understanding my inner self and the reasons for my actions.

It was total bliss. The visuals were not very important this time, neither were they very strong. Shadows were morphing a lot and when I concentrated I could bring out some nice movement in my surroundings. But nothing more than that. The colors were of course more intense and everything had that shiny overall trippy look to it. Actually there were some nice patterns on the floor later on when I was taking a dump. Some CEV's when listening to music, mostly blue sparks of energy. Nothing special I would say.
The whole time I was still very lucid and would have probably even been able to chat on the IRC.

The first time I looked at the clock again, it was exactly 10:00pm, my mom and my brother were just going to sleep. I proceeded to sit in front of my PC monitor and pondered life. I came to realize that even though considering myself as good and liberal and all that, I wasn't doing shit to improve anything around the world. I wasn't doing anything good at all! I thought and thought and looked for the good deeds I had done. But there was just plain nothingness. Without the MDMA this would have probably struck me like a fist in the face, but all I thought was: Let's change that. I felt totally confident about my situation. So what did I do? I know this might sound very silly, it did to me at that moment, too. But as soon as the thought came to me, I had to find out, what a google search for 'I want do do something good' would produce. The first result tripped me out: Pregnancy Forum. WTF?! I never planned on becoming father...

If this is what people think when planning on having a child, I might be closer to having the child wish than I even know... It seemed so clear to me in that second: What more can you do for the world than creating life and raising and educating that life to do good? Than I came to realize how these wishes are shattered to pieces for lots of couples, another never ending journey into my mind began.

When I reemerged from this state of trance, I still had the google site in front of me. Now the 6th result drew my attention to another page. In the summarization it said:

... Once the shark said to the monkey: 'You are so good to me that I want to do something good for you.' The monkey looked down at the shark and listened. ...

This sounded fascinating. I looked right into the story. And it filled me with undescribable joy. In a short amount of time, I read most of the African fables and they were all of great wisdom and made me appreciate being alive. I felt unbelievably excited about what I just found. Those fables were the best thing that happened to me that night. While reading them I sank so deep that the visuals started to take over again at times. The letters were, dancing, morphing, swirling. It wasn't a problem though. I could still read everything because the stories were very short. You should check them out (!

When I felt ready to let the journey come to an end, I switched on 'Pink Floyd - The Wall', a great biographical movie about Pink Floyd, his music and his descent into madness. Whilst watching I did a couple of Vaporizer hits and ate lots of fruit - Bananas, apples, pears, tangerines and 500cc of carrot juice. I came down very smooth, but still quiet quick. Very hard to describe, but the comedown was very pleasing as well, I enjoyed being back where I belong and the MDMA probably added a lot of it's typical qualities to that joy.

At 2:00 or 3:00 am I decided to take a nice shower because I felt like some hippie dude with that nasty sweaty smell all over me. After that I felt the urge to shave my face. I've been kinda slacky regarding regular shavings the past couple of months :) so this felt very good, too. I really took my time for it.

Falling to sleep wasn't easy, I soon realized I'd need a sleeping aid and dropped a tiny bit of Lorazepam (.5mg). At 5:00am 'Arcade Fire - Funeral' smoothly guided me into a colorful sleep that I emerged from at 1:30pm. I woke up two or three times in the morning, but that's not unusual for me. I have a very bad sleep for a 21 year old!

Now I feel extremely refreshed, like just coming home from a very long vacation. I feel reborn and I hope this feeling lasts at least a couple of days... :)

One of my top ten experiences for sure despite the low dosage! By the way I'd say the ratio of mdma to dpt was perfect as well, I could have gone for another DPT line 20min after the second one, but then sleeping would have been more difficult.

If I repeat the experience my dose would be:

T+0:00 50-75mg MDMA
T+1:15 10-20mg DPT
T+1:35 10-20mg DPT
T+1:55 10-20mg DPT

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38743
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Nov 14, 2009Views: 10,617
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MDMA (3), DPT (21) : Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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