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Very Strange PseudoTrip
Citation:   Forget#1. "Very Strange PseudoTrip: An Experience with Kava (exp39049)". Apr 16, 2007.

0.5 g sublingual Kava (roots)
Being naturally curious, I decided to buy some dried kava at the local headshop. After reading the reports I didn't expect too much of an effect but for $3.50 for 7 grams I didn't feel I had too much to lose. Having a final exam the next day, I decided only to chew a small amount around 10 PM, less than 1/2 gram, just to see what it tasted like. I was expecting something horrendous but was pleasantly surprised to find it not bad at all. I noticed my mouth becoming slightly numb when chewing it, but again I knew this to be the norm.

I laid down for a while and started to listen to some Spiritualized and just see if it relaxed me at all. Well, soon enough, I began to feel slightly relaxed and began to have a few 'pot-head' type thoughts. The music also began to seem more clear and sensuous, like I was slightly stoned. Around 10:30, my girlfriend arrived home, and this is when things started to get interesting. As we began to have sex, I noticed that I could every sensation seemed magnified ten times. It culminated in probably one of the strongest orgasms I've ever had in my life, although it took longer to get there than usual. By this time, I was astonished that such a small amount of the kava had caused such a large effect. I wondered if it was all a placebo effect, but the degree of subjective change seemed too salient to be reduced to this.

Anyways, I began to feel more and more loopy and forgetful of my words until I went to sleep around midnight. I proceeded to wake up at 2 AM in a very strange state. I felt almost glued to the bed, and it seemed that the sensation from everything I touched trailed the actual touching by at least a full 1/2 second. Quite strange indeed. I proceeded to get up and found myself in a clear meditative state, but was distracted by contemplating how large a deviation from the normal kava experience I was having on such a small dose. I stayed up until perhaps 4:30 until everything wore off, and felt mostly fine, perhaps a little cloudy the next day - but this could have been from the lack of sleep.

My roommate and I a week later became curious if he would have the same effects off of it, but he ended up feeling nothing on a larger chewed dose. I will say that meditating lately has been putting me into interesting alternate states of consciousness without the ingestion of psychotropic substances, but none quite like this. My sensitivity to marijuana has increased quite a bit over this period though, and so I think that the combination of my more readily manipulatable mental state with the ingestion of the kava synergized into what I felt. I'm not sure if I'll try kava again. It's not that it was a bad experience per say, as much of it was very very good, but it just seems that I might react to it differently than most people, and I don't want to have a bad reaction to it on a higher dose.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39049
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 16, 2007Views: 94,700
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