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The Touch of Tersheckii
Cacti - T. tersheckii & Yoga
Citation:   Lappyblot. "The Touch of Tersheckii: An Experience with Cacti - T. tersheckii & Yoga (exp39126)". Apr 23, 2007.

25 g oral Cacti - columnar (dried)
My experience with psychedelics is fairly minimal. I’m an ex-pothead and I’ve also tried coke, salvia, nutmeg, codeine, and alcohol, although my proclivities lie with hallucinogens, I’ve just never been graced with the opportunities to try any of the drugs I would truly like to try. Until now. My 25 grams of dried Tersheckii had arrived and all the literature regarding mescaline dosages would have one to believe that this is a minimal dose. Roughly 75 mg of mescaline according to my calculations if 100 g dried=300 mg mescaline according to most sources.

It turned out to be a mild trip, but a TRIP in every sense of the word. The Tersheckii genus fascinates me in its apparent diversity of alkaloids not found in other species. Only until I try a Peruvian torch next week as a comparison, will I know the true nature of its effects. All in all, it was a gentle yet firm right of passage into the world of mescaline, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Prepping the cactus in dried form was fairly easy. The dried chunks (for ornamental purposes only ;). were ground in a coffee grinder yielding a powdery consistency, and then added to water with some lemon juice producing one glass of a murky green/brown liquid which I downed in shot glasses over the course of 30 minutes chasing it with lemonade. I had planned on tripping during the day with a sitter, but boredom and anticipation got the best of me, so down the hatch my cactus went on a semi-full stomach.

As for the taste, it was not at all as bad as I had expected. Kind of tasted like slim-fast or some weird health smoothie. I find that confronting the taste head on, holding the drink in ones mouth before swallowing quickly, masks the taste to an almost enjoyable extent. It’s really just mind over matter. Nausea on this dosage was fairly minimal; I never threw up although I tried. Throughout the trip the nausea was always there, it wasn’t uncomfortable per se, but rather encouraging, as I knew the mescaline was working. Kind of like the drip on coke but in ones stomach.

T-2 hours:
After two hours of coming up and slight alterations in perception, I knew I had arrived. The anticipated “right brain” stimulation of the visual cortex was evident at this point, and every crevice and nuance of facial expression was amplified yielding a cartoon-like feel. I went to the mirror to watch my face distort into a thousand different images. Very Picasso.

I walked around my apartment complex feeling distinct exaggerations of spatial orientation, at times I felt like a giant in a really small house, and at times a midget in a really big house. I felt distinct lapses in time and space, a sort of duality of consciousness; I existed in multiple realities, but at the same time remained very grounded physically. I felt at one with my body and surroundings, and realized my true place on the timeline of the universe. Time slowed down and allowed me to laugh and regroup from the world, and just to have fun as innocently and honestly as a child.

T-3 hours:
The sense of touch was amazing on mescaline, as well as bodily awareness. I felt pulses of energy, heat and cold running through my spine and hands. At one point I actually was able to visualize my DNA strand and see points of pressure that corresponded to pain in areas of my body, and then repair it through a weird form of telekinesis.

I felt utterly cleansed after this experience. I put on Pink Floyds’ greatest hits album and reviled in the amorphous lizards and colorful lattices which were to inhabit my headspace for the next few hours. Otherworldly geometries and angles morphed along with the music in a sort of ancient dance. I kept having visions of a cactus in the dessert and feeling so grateful and awed by its subconscious presence.

T-4 hours:
The only real open eye visuals experienced was a morphing and breathing of the windows and walls. Colors were amazing, and pale blue, light green, maroon, and orange seemed to predominate. I remember wanting to make a quilt or something out of these beautiful hues so that everyone could experience them.

T-5 hours:
At this point I’m slowly on the comedown, but still in awe of the colorful morphing window and the singing lamp by my bedpost. I go to the mirror to make some more faces.

T-7 hours:
At about 7 hours after ingestion, I kind of wanted the trip to end and to go to sleep. The amped body load never truly subsided and sleeping was proving to be very difficult. I would recommend tripping during the day so as not to be bothered by lethargy, although the sort of dreamy, lucid state I achieved whilst half-asleep towards the end offered an interesting perspective in its own right.

t-8 hours:
The most interesting aspect of this trip seemed to be at the very end when I felt a sort of pulsing energy in the lower back of my spine. From what most literature on the Internet suggests, I’m presuming that what I experienced was some sort of kundalini awakening, which is an opening of the charkas to facilitate the flow of bodily energy and an intense spiritual awakening. It was rather intense and uncomfortable at times but truly amazing.

For instance, twisting my spine in certain directions released this flow of energy like a dam bursting, which was then followed by the most beautiful visuals and almost alien sensations of pleasure. After doing some yoga, out of osmosis (I’ve never done yoga before), I could harness this powerful energy and manipulate it to my advantage. I finally went to bed at 7:00 AM after ingesting the cactus at 11 PM.

That was yesterday. Today I feel so much at peace with my body and mind, and with my place in the universe, and I look forward to further adventures with this wonderful teacher. Be safe, and happy tripping

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39126
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 23, 2007Views: 9,862
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Yoga / Bodywork (202), Cacti - T. terscheckii (818) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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