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Useful Suppressing Cannabis Withdrawal
Citation:   Spellbin. "Useful Suppressing Cannabis Withdrawal: An Experience with Damiana (exp39204)". Oct 4, 2005.

2.0 g oral Damiana (tea)
I have used damiana on numerous occasions either as a substitute for cannabis, mixed with cannabis, or simply on its own. On its own there are significant relaxant/anti-anxiety effects without any doubt. Also, this plant burns remarkably well and if mixed with even the most moist cannabis, a joint or bowl will remain lit far beyond most expectations. However, while these attributes may be interesting, I found another far more effective application of this plant.

As a daily cannabis smoker, I seldom go a day without smoking. Such an activity allows for a tolerance to build, and with tolerance comes withdrawal. While I find cannabis withdrawal nothing extreme, I do notice a strong disquieting feeling, an agitating energy felt throughout my body, mainly in my extremities. I suppose you could call it a physical anxiety. After a few days this passes, and I'm back to normal. However, during those few days, as the physical anxiety persists, I can become quite uncomfortable. This is where Damiana comes in. A hot water diffusion (damiana in a tea ball) creates a potent withdrawal remedy. I have tried this on numerous occasions, each time it worked wonders. The physical withdrawal sensations are suprisingly relieved and a calm contentment fills my body. In the past I have tried taking a valium during withdrawal and it produces similar results. However, valium is a highly addictive substance in itself, and its use as a withdrawal remedy is not a very intelligent idea. Damiana on the other hand is used as a general body tonic and has no addictive properties or known side-effects. A healthy solution, at last!

I have tried smoking it for a more immediate, although shorter lived result.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39204
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 4, 2005Views: 27,752
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Damiana (107) : Not Applicable (38), Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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