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Tail End of a Shroom Trip
by DPH
Citation:   DPH. "Tail End of a Shroom Trip: An Experience with 2C-I (exp39262)". Jan 14, 2009.

15 mg oral 2C-I
Me and my friend took a hit of 2-c-i a little past midnight on a clear day in December. He took a 14mg capsule and I took a 15mg capsule. This was only my second psychadelic substance, and third trip ever. The other two were shroom trips of half an 8th and 1.25 8ths. I had a good time on both so I decided this would be a good idea. We were both hanging out in my friends neighborhood, in the city.

After we took the capsules, we chatted with some friends, and about an hour later, he smoked some pot out of a bowl. I decided not to, first wanting to feel 2-c-i by itself, and then deciding if pot was such a good idea. The whole time were were hanging out on someone's stoop.

An almost two hours later, and neither me or him felt anything special. We did feel a bit clear headed/clear-visioned but we were both disapointed. It didn't feel like a psychodelic trip at all. The one thing that felt different was when i closed my eyes. Usually, when i close my eyes, i see the black right in front of me. When i was on this, it seemed like the black was very far away. It also seemed lighter. However, this could have just been because my pupils were dialated.

Then we went into a pizza shop and sat around. My stomach was feeling a bit uncomfortable as if i hadn't eaten anything, but i ignored it. I was afraid that if I ate anything, the slight feeling that I had would go away because the drug would be diluted.

They closed the shop in about 30 min after we got there, so we chilled outside. I felt a little different. My legs seemed to be detached from my body, and I had some extra energy which warmed me up, since it was pretty cold outside. This was also the time when I felt the euphoric bodily effects. It felt good whenever i stretched out my legs and arms. I was also laughing a lot for almost no reason. This was about 3 hours after we took it. It was getting colder outside and I decided that my stomach was hurting enough that it was worth eating, even if it means that my trip was going to go away. We went to a 24 hour donut shop across the street. It also had some tables, and there were cops sitting there. There were four of us, me and the friend who took it, and two others. We sat down, i ordered a hamburger and my friend who took it ordered a milkshake.

We ate, the whole time my friends were imitating cartman's voice (from south park). They were overdoing it so badly that we couldn't stop laughing. When i looked in the mirror, i saw that my pupils were really dialated, but other than that i felt like i could handle myself. This made me very comfortable, even with the two cops sitting there. (I'm usually very paranoid.) I was also starting to feel it slightly more. I started imagining minor muscle aches and pains that weren't there. The lights also seemed to get a bit brighter. After I ate the hamburger, my stomach kept hurting the same way so I figured that it was the result of the drug, not because I was hungry. I kept moving my arms and legs so I can feel the euphoric effects of the drug.

A little while later we left, and nothing new was happening. My friend described the experience as 'the tail end of a shroom trip lasting for 6 hours.' I thought it was slightly different. Shrooms increase my sense of touch, making things feel good to the touch while 2-c-i kind of had a numbing effect. I also didn't get any of the self-aware feelings that I get with shrooms.

A little past 4am, 4 hours after taking it, we felt like we still had a lot of energy and we couldn't go to sleep. At this point, I was with my friend who also took it, and another friend. We decided to go over a friends house, see if we can play some video games. While walking there, my legs felt detached once again. Besides some mild symptoms, I barely noticed that anything was different.

Once we got to our friend's house, we smoked him up on a dime of weed. This was good weed, and he rolled an awesome joint for the four of us. My stomach was still feeling upset at this point, so I smoked up as well. While I was smoking up, i felt that
something was about to change and I was right on the money.

After the joint finished, all of a sudden the psychadelic effects kicked in hard. We were sitting around a small table, 2 people on the couch, one person in an armchair, and i was on a stool. There was a vivid colorful design on the wall, one that a
tripper would have on the wall. There was also a metal disc on the table with such a design on it that if you spin it while staring at it, then look away, it would make the room go wavy even if you're sober. I was playing around with it before we smoked pot, but after we smoked, it kept popping up in the corner of my eye, sucking me in into an unpleasant place. Even moving it away didn't help.

Our host striked up a conversation but it didn't go very well. There was four stoned people in the room, it was almost 5am, and as one can imagine the conversations weren't going anywhere. Since there was nothing to distract me from my thoughts (like a
tv), i dove into myself. Imagine a pot high, except that all my thoughts are going a mile a minute and I'm very very self-aware of them. I would say that this was even more intense than my shroom trip, which was 1.25 8ths. My thoughts were all disconnected and I kept seeing flashes of myself of how I look to others. These flashes were mixed in with flashes of my experiences with these people, realizing that I only know one of them very well (the one that took it with me.)

I started to get all kinds of nasty thoughts in my head. I almost felt overwhelmed. I had to get up and get a chair with a back on it so I could lean back, because I was leaning forward the whole time and it made me imagine all kinds of muscle aches/pains in my back/neck. Leaning back certainly helped. It also allowed me to stretch and move my legs, allowing me to feel the bodily euphoria that comes with this drug. Time slowed down, similar to shrooms. My mind kept racing between the conversation that my friends were having about beef-jerky (don't forget, all 4 of us are stoned), stretching my legs to feel good, and self-awareness and how I look to the surrounding world.

I didn't experience hallucinations, but at some points i felt my eyes betray me as if I had just stood up too quickly and got a blood rush to the head. The drug had ups and downs, but at one point I was just plain scared because I couldn't control the little voice in my head. It kept changing subjects back and forth, thinking about one thing while simultaneously starting to think about something else, and forgetting the first thing. My thoughts weren't linear, but coming and going at once, branching off from each other in different directions. There were times when I felt good because it felt like the worse has passed and I felt I had nothing to worry about. Being carefree felt really good. The next minute I would feel the darkness come over and flashed of self-awareness were coming back, giving me all kinds of problems. My heart would start racing and that would scare me even more. Eventually, these stopped, I figured that the pot was wearing off.

A little past 5am, we decided to leave. Once we got outside, I felt much better. Walking would keep me away from going into myself, and that was the only part I didn't enjoy. I was going to sleep over my friends house, the one who took it with me. We went up to his room and watched almost an hour of TV. The TV kept me distracted, and I realized that if I had a TV in front of me instead of three stoned people, it would easily be able to divert my attention from the bad thoughts. My friend wanted to go to sleep but I was still feeling wide awake so i went to another room and put on my headphones and listened to trance/anime music. Several hours later he woke up and let me out. I was sober at this point and I had a huge headache that day, i figured it was part of the drug/loud music/no sleep.

I would take this drug again very sparingly, because I don't see how it is any better than shrooms except for the body high and i felt like I could control myself a bit better. I even imagined talking to my parents on this without getting nervous. However,
if I want to achieve a body high, i can do it without using a hallucinogen.

When I want a strong psychadelic experience, I'll smoke pot with this, otherwise it will feel very similar to what my friend called it: 'Tail end of a shroom trip for 6 hours.'

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39262
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 14, 2009Views: 5,985
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2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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