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Turning Point
Ecstasy (DXM?)
Citation:   Kelly. "Turning Point: An Experience with Ecstasy (DXM?) (exp3932)". Dec 26, 2001.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets oral DXM
  T+ 3:30 2 tablets oral DXM
Last weekend, I truly had a turning point in my life.

It seemed to be just another Friday night around 6:45pm when my boyfriend and I got 15 MDMA pills. We usually did MDMA once in a while and this was nothing different, I thought.

But when I got my first look at the pills, they were not MDMA. They were DXM. I didn't know for sure, but they were light green with a fly or hornet inprint on them, were very moist, and they seemed too big to be MDMA. But I learned about DXM and that some people drink bottles of Robotussim to trip so I took them anyway as to not waste the money we spent on them.

I was used to taking 2 at once and that would be all I take for the rest of the night. So that's what I did. I didn't know until after the weekend was over and we got the rest tested that the pills were 200 mg each. Two and a half hours go by and I feel perfectly sober. My boyfriend was feeling it though and he liked it and said he felt fine. So I waited an hour longer then decided to take two more of the pills. That's when my life changed forever.

About 15 minutes later I felt very sick. I couldn't get up and dance or I felt like I was going to throw up. And as I sat there looking at the walls, they began to fall towards me. I stood up and my stomach seemed to drop and I ran to the bathroom. I needed to throw up but I couldn't. I looked at myself in the mirror and it seemed like I was coming down off of a few hits of LSD. I looked really dirty and then I started seeing trails everywhere.

I went back to my room and my boyfriend said he wasn't feeling anything anymore, but my experience was just beginning. I sat in a sickly state for another 10 minutes and as I tried to get up to go throw up, I didn't make it to the bathroom. I was throwing up everywhere and every time I did, my trip got more and more intense. I saw things I have never seen, even when on 7 hits of LSD. Then I lay down and began to feel like I was trapped in an oven. My body got so hot that it burned when anyone touched me and water even hurt my skin. I had heard about this happening and drank lots of water to try to cool myself off.

After about 2 hours of that, I lay down and started to feel better. A couple more friends came over and it seemed like I was on 10 hits of LSD. I was talking to them like I would on LSD. Using very strange mind games and philosophies. It seemed like I was gonna be okay and the rest of the night went fine until everyone left and it was about 4:00am. My boyfriend and I were ready to go to sleep thinking we would be pretty much coming down and tired by now.

6:00am rolls around and we both are sitting there with eyes wide open. We both couldn't sleep. I still felt like I was on LSD and saw strange images of dinosaurs and the room underwater. I had never seen anything like that even when I was on LSD. I didn't know when it was going to end and when I tried to close my eyes, I would see myself falling into a giant hole so I kept my eyes open.

All day I sat in bed. I tried to go on with the day without sleeping, still tripping. I couldn't eat anything and when I tried I would throw up and start tripping more and I just wanted to sleep. Finally Saturday night around midnight I fell asleep, still tripping. And then woke up an hour later.

I just sat there in tears thinking it was never gonna end and all I could do was wait. By Sunday, the trip was gone and I finally got to sleep that night. In the morning I throw up again and felt like shit all day.

Now it's the next weekend and everyone wants to try some of those pills because they saw me tripping for 24 hours. At many points during the night I felt that I was dying and that I could have let go very easily. And it seems that all these people just want to find a way to let go easier because they really don't want to live. But I do and had the most horrible experience of my life while on DXM and I am never going anymore Ecstasy until I have a pill tester of my own.

My playful candy-raver playland turned into an evil flaming underworld when I was on DXM and now it can never go back to the way it used to be. Not having to worry about what is in your pills every time you take them and if your gonna die that night.

I guess I really had to experience hell before I could realize how great life is. I know now, and wish no one else had to find out the way I did.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3932
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2001Views: 16,710
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MDMA (3), DXM (22) : Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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