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It Felt Like a Game and a Play Mixed
Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   Jacob. "It Felt Like a Game and a Play Mixed: An Experience with Cannabis & Alcohol (exp39385)". Jul 20, 2007.

4 glasses oral Alcohol (liquid)
  3 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This was one of the weirdest but amazing experiences in my life. The background was that we were going to a beach party which had about 400 people at it. I bought myself a 6 pack of Woodstocks (Bourbon & Coke), my mate brought 4 joints and we went down the beach.

The night hadn't started very well as the cops were already there before the party was started; splitting people up as they didn't want anything happening there that night. After drinking 4 of my woodstocks I was feeling very drunk, I am not that tolerable to alcohol, and we went to sit on some benches and smoke some joints. The 4 of us went through 3 joints and I must say I did take a fair chunk out of them. The marijuana that my friend obtained is extremely strong and one of my very experienced friends mentioned before that it may be laced with another drug. After smoking 2 of them we were all very giggly and I was feeling fantastic, it was until the end of the 3rd one where I attempted to keep the smoke in my lungs for a very long time did the trip begin to turn nasty.

I walked over near some play equipment and a friend of mine called me, I didn't understand what was happening but the whole world was moving backwards and forward, when I reached my friend, the whole world seemed to be stuck in some sort of small loop where he would keep asking how I'm going. I realised that something was not right. I walked over to my really good friend and I told him that something was completely wrong with me. I couldn't feel my body at all, I could tell that my body was walking and I could feel my feet touch the ground but I couldn't feel my own weight, I also couldn't feel my hands or face. When people started to tell that something was wrong with me they immediately asked me what was wrong and were crowding around me, the problem was that when people talked, it seemed to really hurt me, I asked them to all leave me for a while, but look over me as we were in a strange place with many drunk people looking to start a fight and I really didn't want to be hurt.

After repeatedy telling myself that I was fine and that I was on drugs and it would all be over in the morning I became a little bit more relaxed, my pulse was still very high and my breathing was heavy. Then we had to start moving as my friends still wanted to party and the night was young. We walked up a hill and stayed there for a while and wait for some other people, I had been trying to combat the effects of the drugs up until here by pacing, it seemed that when I would stay still the sounds and visuals would get worse. I decided to just let go and try and relax and let the drugs do what they want, until I was pointed out from my friend that I was rotating my body around very largely, so I snapped out of it and we moved on to a person's house.

While we were walking to this person's house, things were starting to seem like a video game. The game XIII is made up of different 'layers', this is how I felt. The people close to me were closer 'layers' and the things far away were like a static background that did not move. I took a sip of bourbon as it was the only liquid I could come a hold of until we found the person's house; I had terrible cotton mouth. When we arrived to the person's house and I had water I felt much better.

I sat down on a chair and this is where I had started to calm down a bit and started to enjoy the trip. After a while of getting used to my new optic cameras I could start to enjoy them. Everything started to look so cool, I remember looking around and everything looked like it was a play of some sort with the background and a bin, trampoline, couple in a chair and another group of people all actors and props in this play. The best thing was people coming up to me, my perspective on the world was completely funky, everything looked like they were in one of those funhouse mirrors, when people got close to me, they got really, really close, sounds were also really strange, when people were talking either side of my head, they seemed to be soft and slow, go really fast and loud, then slow and soft again. Another strange thing is that when I would close my eyes I would sort of have daredevil vision, I could see the sounds people were hearing through my eyelids.

This was getting comfortable until my mates wanted to move again, this become very annoying as all I really wanted to do was sit down and chill out. When I moved it made the hallucination more intense and made me more uncomfortable. The trip lasted for about 2 hours in real time but to me it felt like hours had passed, I kept checking my phone and in one instance I was so surprised that only 1 minute had passed. At 4 o'clock in the morning we went and chilled at the train station and I was feeling pretty good again. When I arrived home at 6 in the morning I went straight to sleep until 1pm. Where I was too uncomfortable and hot to sleep anymore.

In conclusions I must say that this has frightened me but it was also quite fun at the same time, I just wish that we could do it again in an environment where I could take time out and just not move at all as not moving made me feel very uncomfortable. I would have also liked to have a straight friend with me because all the people around me we're also stoned and they kept forgetting about me; or that’s how I felt.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39385
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 20, 2007Views: 13,716
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Cannabis (1), Alcohol (61) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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