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Stared At My Ceiling For Hours
DXM (with CPM)
Citation:   Elara. "Stared At My Ceiling For Hours: An Experience with DXM (with CPM) (exp3951)". Dec 26, 2001.

210 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  28 mg oral Chlorpheniramine Maleate (pill / tablet)
I had always had the curiosity to try DXM since a friend of mine told me about it, and his experiences on it. Since I’m brave, and have no fear of most drugs, decided to try it. It all started around 10:30 or so on a Sunday night in July. My friend, we’ll call him Joe, and I decided to trip together because we were comfortable with each other and thought it would be an experience. We downed the caps at the same time.

Many of my friends have developed a hatred for the little red pills, and they get physically sick just looking at them. I’ve also heard that Coricidin has bad side effects if you take too many, but I trust my sources, and none of them have had a problem yet. Six is too few, eight too many, so it seemed as if seven was going to be my lucky number for my first trip.

I had read up a lot before even considering doing this drug. I become very well-informed when it comes down to studying a new kind of artificial happiness. Overall, it didn’t sound too harmful, and I thought it would be a new experience, which I’m always up for.

The story from here becomes hard to explain. About 20-30 minutes after taking the pills, I became queasy. I knew I wasn’t going to be sick, but it was a general nauseous feeling. I suggest not moving for the first half-hour to an hour or so. It’s just not such a good idea. But Joe and I had to move from the house where we were happily sitting, because another friend, Jane, was getting antsy, and not feeling like we were, she wanted to escape this gathering. So, we decided to go for a drive. We ended up under an overpass, sitting next to a pair of train tracks. At this point, I was mildly “stoned” and just content.

The nauseous feeling didn’t pass for another hour. We ended up in Joe’s backyard about an hour and a half later, staring at the stars, which looked a little fuzzier than usual, but were still incredibly beautiful. Joe was getting visuals from it (he’s dexed before, and never has this happened). He said that there were parts of the trees that would go black, and eventually, the whole picture would come back to him. Like the parts would fall back into place after leaving this sort of “hole” in his field of vision. I was just extremely talkative, and interested in what everyone had to say. Joe became reclusive, and Jane entertained me thoroughly.

Jane and I left Joe at his house to fend for himself, although I felt oddly bad about it. I didn’t want him to trip alone, but I suppose if that’s what he wanted, I wasn't going to deprive him. We ended up back at my house, and that’s when the fun really started. On the way to the car, I was in another world, where it was easier to just get up and walk, but you were just too irritated and lazy to do it-this made for a slightly negative edge to my trip.

Around 12:30, we arrived at my house, and the pills started to metabolize and kick in about 2 hours after the initial dose. Jane and I immediately went upstairs to create something, and so that I could entertain my confused, want-to-know-everything brain.

I began by sitting down at my computer and trying to type about confusion, and why no one should ever be confused. Just the process of typing took forever, and it took so much effort that I didn’t get very far in my writing. I ended up writing two paragraphs before I had to give up, thanks to my lack of concentration.

Next, Jane sat on my floor, working on a drawing that was very abstract and pretty. I watched her intently, knowing that it was taking her so much effort. When I look at that drawing now, I realize that it was taking a lot of work to complete it, and when I was dexing, it seemed as if every little thing that everyone did took so much effort. You appreciate every little thing that people do and wonder why they have such extreme patience.

After watching this for awhile, I became bored, and decided to grab a book off of my bookshelf. It turned out to be a children’s encyclopedia. I ended up reading from it to Jane, who I’m sure thought I was nuts. I read to her about the difference between shrimp and prawns, and was showing her how an engine worked. Unfortunately, I couldn’t concentrate on a single subject for more than a few minutes, but I was perfectly content.

My next experience was the beginning of my music trip. Jane had put Beck’s “Midnight Vultures” cd in my computer and I stood up and began bobbing my head up and down. Jane of course laughed at me, but I can barely explain how odd it felt. I distinctly remember looking down at her and semi-dancing around, feeling bigger than everything-that I was like a giant. My vision was slightly cloudy around the edges, like I was in a dream state. But my memory seems to slightly escape me. All I know is that things seemed clearer, but there were fuzzy edges around the entire frame of my vision.

Jane left my house around 3 a.m. and left me to myself. I proceeded to leave my computer room, and head to my bed, wanting to sleep. I turned on my stereo, and lied in my bed, listening to Smashing Pumpkins “Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness” and Radiohead’s “Pablo Honey.” The mixture of these two cd’s was so incredibly beautiful that I just wanted to cry. The sounds reverberated around my head, in such an intense manner that I wanted to listen to the same song over and over again. I remember that Stumbleine was one of my favorites of the evening. Billy Corgan’s voice was just mellow enough to keep me from jumping out of bed and going nuts. I stared at my ceiling for hours, listening to the music coming from my stereo. I didn’t actually go to sleep until around 5 a.m., when I was still tripping.

The next morning was a whole other drug. I woke up around 10 a.m. with the worst feeling in the world. All I wanted to do was sleep it off, but no, I had to be at work at 4 that afternoon. I did manage to put myself in the shower, and I arrived at work feeling beaten with a big stick. Luckily, I was working the rest of the day with Joe, who knew how the day after was going to be. I wasn’t warned ahead of time, and I think that I would have prepared myself better if I knew how it was going to be.

Everything was so hard to do. I work at a coffee shop, and even the most simple drinks became complicated. If someone ordered a mocha mint, I wanted to just curl up in a ball on the floor because the drink required so many steps. Pumping shots of chocolate, which is usually very easy, became terribly difficult. I had no strength left. Joe and I would look at each other, and know how pathetic we were. We were on the same level, thank God, and we suffered together.

After a horrid day at work, I ended up at a friend’s house, who we will call Dr. Josh. Josh sure fixed me up. He knew that I had a case of “medicine-head” and he told me that he had a solution to all of my problems. Jane happened to be there again of course, witnessing the aftermath of the night before. She didn’t laugh this time. She could tell I was having troubles.

After a short smoking session with Dr. Josh, I felt 10 times better than I had all day. Even though the day-after effects were wearing off at about that time, I felt like a new man. I was alive, awake, alert and enthusiastic and finally, I appreciated this new experience and trip. Overall, I think it was a good thing, and I’m planning on doing it again sometime, experiencing more than what I did the first time. I’m looking forward to it, and I’m debating whether liquid would be better than Coricidin next time. Well, it’s something to try.

*Since this trip, I've eaten DXM about 6 other times, in various forms (Including liquid (Honey Cough), and pure powder in capsule form) *

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3951
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2001Views: 3,577
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DXM (22) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Health Problems (27), General (1)

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