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The Times of my Life
Ecstasy & Ketamine
Citation:   MaTrIX21. "The Times of my Life: An Experience with Ecstasy & Ketamine (exp3965)". Dec 26, 2001.

1 tablet oral MDMA  
  2 hits insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Having lived in Germany when Ecstasy first became what it is today, I had gotten to see, sometime before North American's, just what this little pill could do, and to be very honest, I was in no hurry to try it. At that point I was a virgin to drugs, I hadn't even tried pot, let alone a chemical that seems very powerful, after all, it alters your perception, senses, emotions and way of thinking, for the entire duration of the high, and in a lot of cases there after.

Six years later I found myself living in Toronto, where the Ecstasy scene is huge, and where Ecstasy has replaced pot as a completely normal way of spending a great night. I still was afraid of it. Friend after friend kept explaining what was going on, how they felt, and described in detail their high from start to end, and not one mention of negativity. It seems to this day, the only negativity I have ever heard came from the press. One night, two friends of mine and I decided to go to a club. Once there, with no pressure at all, I started to really ask friends and people at the club, what their experiences where like, because after all, if so many have done it, and seem healthy and alive, then it can't be all that bad. For the first time ever, I was actualy concidering it.

After 30 mins of hard thought, I finally decided I would try it, regardless of the implications. I took the pill, and prayed in my head that I'd be one of the others that described the beauty of the drug. After 45 mins, the most sensational feeling I have ever felt took over my body. It is still to this day, undescribable. As I stood on the balcony overlooking the dance floor, I looked down on the masses, in a trance with glow sticks, and high energy dance, the DJ, spinning one amazing track into another. I felt a total rebirth, this music being played was music I had heard many times before, I even owned it, but this time, they where different. They were almost like remastered. I began to dance, I felt a calm rush fall over me, a need to become one with the beat.

After sometime on the dancefloor, I decided to walk around and start socializing. Much to my surprise was I not only walking as I would normally, but my speech and recollection was much more intense and logical. I was walking up to complete strangers and engaging in conversation, something unheard of for me in the past. I would only communicate with friends of mine, or people who I was introduced to, never would I introduce myself or start up conversation. People became so warm in my eye's, the only thing I could think of was, how can I possibly find the time to hug everyone in here. Shortly after my hour long walk and socializing, a friend came and got me, and brought me up to the 'chill out' room, where he promptly put Tiger Balm on my temples, back of my neck and under my nose, I sat there in amazment. Then something was stuffed up my nose, it was a warmed up Vicks inhaler, HOLY COW, what a rush.

That was followed by a man with a white fuzzy cowboy hat, and this white glass looking thing, with powder in it. It was a bumper, and there was K in it, I did it all worried it maybe Coke. After 5 mins, my high was amplified beyond what I can even describe. The club closed at 8am, I left at 8, went home, and my two other friends as well, they too, still higher than hell, and loving it. My first experience was actually not my best, my best followed in the next couple of weeks. For the past 8 weeks to the day, I have tried E every weekend, one high better than the next, but everyone of them giving me more of a spiritual ride, my highs have been so important in my life present and future. Ecstasy has opened me up, opened my mind to myself, it has expanded my outlook. My life has been changed for the better, and by what I can see, forever. My only regard is that I was so foolish for not taking this experience earlier, for I notice one major change in my life, my depression which at times left me on the verge of suicide has all but disappeared. I have found a boyfriend who loves me, and I love him....we are surrounded by friends who feel the same way, we are a family.

Ecstasy may have taken all anger and depression away, but there is one bit left in me, and that is towards the media and governments that condemm this drug; and falsify everything about it. I am willing to wager, that anyone of these officials have never even bothered to try it. Since I started Ecstasy 8 weeks ago, I have read 7 books on it, and it's history, including Phikal and countless webpages like this one. Education and promotion of safer drug use, is our only hope of survival if we choose to do drugs. Yet we personally don't research, and the government and schools are too damn arrogant and close minded to provide us with the information which is so important. I have a lot to thank MDMA, it has been an experience that I cannot duplicate, it has opened my heart and made me warm. It has showed me pure love, and a world that we can only dream to have someday.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3965
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2001Views: 27,612
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Ketamine (31), MDMA (3) : Club / Bar (25), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4)

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