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The High Comes in Three Waves
Citation:   MSCotin. "The High Comes in Three Waves: An Experience with Morphine (exp39670)". May 31, 2018.

  oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
200mg Morphine

My friend was recently able to get his hands on an abundant amount of 200mg Morphine tabs. The first night I took half snorting it. I threw up about 17 times. Not sure of whether if was the xanax I took earlier or just the fact that I cannot eat on the drugs or I'll be nauseas. Anyway, after many uses I've come to see these effects:

I don't sleep---unconcious state but not really
I can't pee nor crap
and I stay messed up for 8 hours or more.(50mg-8hours)(100mg-14 hours)

After that first experience I decided to take only a quarter of the pill and have found it quite effective. I've noticed the high comes in three waves....the first wave is a relaxing feeling. The second wave then brings a strong vicodin feeling. The third won't even allow me to focus in one spot. and that's only 50mg. I've only dared take 100mg once since that first experience and it was alot insane as long as I didn't eat or drink anything.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 39670
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2018Views: 1,896
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Morphine (211) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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