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I Felt Powerful, Invincible, Fast and Just GREAT
Citation:   ElScorcho. "I Felt Powerful, Invincible, Fast and Just GREAT: An Experience with Amphetamines (exp39786)". Jul 16, 2018.

40 mg insufflated Amphetamines (ground / crushed)
My First Time With Amphetamines

As I type this I am still feeling the effects of my first time ever trying an amphetamine. I have been using tobacco for about 3 years, marijuana for about 2, and I have used valium and opium in the past.

I bought 3 caplets of Adderall XR at 20mg each... opened two of them and crushed up the contents finely. It reminded me of my valium days, sitting there with a dollar bill and a quarter calmly crushing up my lines... I made about 5 big lines and snorted them immediately. I can't say I felt the effects right away but after about 10 minutes it hit me pretty hard. I think I noticed when I was compulsively trying to get a stain off of a table and I couldn't stop my legs from shaking. I stood up and felt full of energy... I started to walk down the stairs... too slow... I jumped down them and ran downstairs to get a drink. I felt powerful, invincible, fast and just GREAT. The best way to put it is that the thoughts crossed my mind faster than I could really interpret them... an interesting feeling, and an experience I am sure I will repeat soon.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 39786
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2018Views: 1,805
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