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My Teeth Feel Sore and My Gums Feel Blistered
Citation:   Depressed. "My Teeth Feel Sore and My Gums Feel Blistered: An Experience with Crack (exp39806)". Apr 16, 2018.

  repeated smoked Crack
Crack Cocaine!

Well I have smoked crack cocaine usually a few times per year. The last year I have done it twice. But when I do I don't mess around. I will spend hundreds of dollars till all I got is smoke money. One binge I smoked $450.00. Blew my whole pay check really. While I was smoking it I felt great but over the course of the night my body starts to reject it. Like after a few hundred dollars worth the taste and smell of crack grosses me out. It smells like plastic. My body doesn’t seem to like it after a certain amount. That varies but on average I would say 4 good rocks is about all my body 'likes'

The side effects for me are really hard. I get depressed for days at a time and I always feel like I can't get a good breath of clean fresh air. My teeth feel sore and my gums feel blistered. I usually can't eat for a few days and if I can drink beer I drink it like water. All told I've smoked it about a dozen times and the only time I binge is when I'm having a hard time in life. Like if I just lose a job I'll go on a super binge for the night.

My last use was 7 days ago. I'm just starting to feel normal again. I'm broke as a joke and I feel weak but getting stronger each and every day. Will I try it again? Not sure really and that is the problem.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 39806
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 16, 2018Views: 1,323
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Crack (82) : Unknown Context (20), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1)

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