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Down by the Lake with Marijuanilla
Leonurus sibiricus
Citation:   Wolf Shaman. "Down by the Lake with Marijuanilla: An Experience with Leonurus sibiricus (exp40168)". Apr 15, 2008.

2 bowls smoked Leonurus sibiricus (leaves)
I had been growing my marijuanilla plant for about 4 months. It had arrived as a scrawny little bundle of stems from a mail order herbal shop. My girl had responded well to my loving attention, and grown into a 2 foot tall bushy young lady by this time. By the end of the season, she would become 7 feet tall and 4 feet wide.

I had saved up about an ounce total of dried green leaves. I had smoked a few before, but this is the time that I am choosing to write about. It was a warm spring afternoon in South Carolina. I had ridden my motor scooter down to the lake, and now I was sitting on the concrete ramp that formed the boat launch. The sun was hanging low over the trees surrounding the lake. It was a beautiful sight. I put a big pinch of marijuanilla into my woooden pipe and took a big hit. I held it in as long as I could. Then I exhaled, rested and took another. I smoked the bowl in 4 big hits. My mind began to feel light and slightly dizzy. I could feel my nerves and muscles relaxing. It felt like a light buzz off of cannabis. I loaded up a second bowl and smoked what as well. I now felt like a medium to heavy buzz, quite similar to what a plant of this name would be expected to deliver.

I sat cross legged and looked out across the water. The sun gradually began to set, and the sky became a dazzling oil painting of orange, red, yellow and purple. I had a wonderfully enhanced perception of the beauty that God created. It was wonderful and dreamy.

The buzz lasted about 2 hours, and after that, I felt relaxed and calm. I enjoyed the afterglow of the marijuanilla until I went to sleep that night. I dreamed sweetly, and awoke refreshed the next morning. I now make sure to always keep some of this wonderful herb on hand.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 40168
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 15, 2008Views: 26,796
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Leonurus sibiricus (277) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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