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Rainbow Planet
Citation:   Twig X. "Rainbow Planet: An Experience with 2C-E (exp40428)". Mar 24, 2006.

16 mg oral 2C-E (capsule)
    repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Dosage: 16mgs of 2C-E in a gelcap. Taken on an empty stomach. I am not on any medication.

Mindset: A bit apprehensive. I had only done 2C-E once before and at quite a low dose of 8mgs. Even on such a low dose I had problems with nausea and was afraid that with a dose of 16mgs I would vomit and it would not be pleasant. However, I was in high spirits the entire day beforehand and was in a pretty good mood.

Setting: The basement of my house with a group of friends: D, K, S, P, G, and me. The room was a bit of a mess with lots of empty beer bottles and full ashtrays scattered throughout. The only light being a small lamp in the corner.

A little bit about me: I'm experienced in the realm of psychedelic drugs having done more than my fair share of tryptamines and phenethylmines. I also have experience with various opiates, alcohol, nitrous, and marijuana. I'm normally a pretty happy guy and usually pretty easy-going. However, I always get a little bit nervous before psychedelic experiences and encounter nausea quite frequently although rarely vomit.

Experience: We had been waiting all day for my father to go upstairs and go to bed so we could take our drugs without having to dodge his presence and by the time he went to sleep it must have been sometime around 11 pm. G measured out the 2C-E into gelcaps for us, with me, him and K being the only ones taking it. The other three guys were just hanging out playing video games and D was having a few beers. We all took doses of 16mgs.

After dropping I went into the basement to watch D play a video game called 'Leisure Suit Larry' which is based on picking up girls and getting them drunk so one can take advantage of them. I sat there for probably 30 minutes before I felt the need to go grab a glass of water. I was beginning to feel what only an experienced psychedelic user can recognize as the drug beginning to take effect. My pulse was faster than usual and I was feeling a little spacey. I decided it would probably be a good idea to listen to some music during the come-up which I remember being almost 2 hours long from the last time I took 2-ce. So I walked to the downstairs stereo and put on Pink Floyd - Animals and went back upstairs to listen to it with G.

We sat and talked for a while about nothing of importance while we listened to the cd. I remember being able to hear things in the background of the cd that I had never discovered before and I began to wonder if the drug was seriously starting to affect me. I look at the clock and realize that it's been an hour. I am beginning to see slight OEVs in my field of vision and am feeling a pleasant tingling sensation over my skin. Within the next few minutes however I start to notice the nausea that is slowly creeping up on me. Every second that goes by it seems to get worse and worse, but I try to convince myself that it's all in my head and I most certainly will not vomit.

The next thought I have is 'I want to at least get through this CD without vomiting' followed almost immediately by 'I'm going to vomit!' So I get up and say to G 'I'm going to go to the bathroom, come check on me in half an hour.' He agrees and I run to the bathroom downstairs carrying a glass of water. I close the door, open the toilet seat and vomit up all the water I had been drinking. I continue to dry heave for the next 5 or 10 minutes and decided that it's probably best to stay in the bathroom for a while. I check my cell phone and it tells me that it's been an hour and a half since I took the drug.

The next hour or two is when everything starts to get very strange. With every second that goes by the visuals increase dramatically until I am completely swept up in them. The flowers painted on the tile floor appear to be blooming continuously and ever growing. The water/vomit in the toilet is rising and I remember being concerned that it may spill over and I would be covered in it.

I send a text message to K who is out in the room next to me and ask him to slide a paper and a pen under the door. Perhaps writing will take my mind off of the nausea. In what seems like 5 minutes I have the paper and pen in my possession and begin writing exactly what I am thinking. Or so I thought. I remember coming to a very exciting conclusion about how the human race is too caught up in materialism and how we should go back to living in caves or something absurd like that.

However, all that came down on paper was this 'The only thing a man needs to live is food, water, and air. That is the most profound thing I've ever said. It has taken me hours to reach this conclusion but after many a hard fought battle I have devised this statement. Which I think is the greatest thing I've ever thought of. Ever. You'll never understand how I reached this conclusion or why, but you must simply acknowledge that fact that it is. Everything I say is simple but it is the truth. The sooner everyone realizes this the better of we'll all be. Now that that is said, It should also be noted that somewhere in our human lifespans we might need clothing, shelter, etc. However these are the second strand of needs whereas food water and air are the first strand of needs. My god. I'm a fucking genius! Why hasn't anyone reached these simple yet epic conclusions before? Hmmmm.....probably because I'm fucking BRILLIANT! This is my life’s work, everything is centered around this piece of paper.'

I ran out of the bathroom extremely excited at what I had written. I showed it to my friend D. He was obviously disappointed. He clearly expected something better. He has never done psychedelics before and probably expected utter nonsense and crazy psychedelic drawings. Everyone else however, enjoyed it thoroughly. Over the next few hours I was back and forth between watching the movie Matilda on TV and vomiting in the open toilet seat in the bathroom. S eventually left and after Matilda was over, D left also. The movie was extremely confusing for me and I had a lot of fun trying to decipher it with K. I also noticed that we would get very sucked into the commercials as if they were little movies of their own.

After the movie, me, K, P, and G all started watching TV. We found a program about sending a space probe to Mars. We were watching it on mute so we had no idea what it was about but we came up with this after watching it for almost 2 hours:

A crazy millionaire has sent a space probe called the 'Poke-n-Prod-Mobile' to Mars in order to find a magical rock that, when touched, turned Mars into Rainbow Planet. He has lots of scientists working for him but they just do it cause he pays well. They know he's crazy. So they spend all their time looking at maps of Mars, selecting which rocks they want the probe to push to find the magic one.

When the program was over I was in tears from laughing so hard, P left shortly after this. The nausea had passed 4 hours after taking the gelcap and it was now 6 hours after taking it and it was still insanely strong. No desire to listen to music. That is strange. Usually on things of this nature I love to listen to music as it is a wonderful experience. We all realized that my dad would be awake soon and it would not be a good idea for him to find us all laughing with dilated pupils and clenched teeth. So I retired to my room, and G and K went to his room. We corresponded back and forth via text messages for the next 2 hours while we waited for my dad to leave.

I enjoyed being in my room alone in the dark. I watched the sunrise out of my second-story window and it was magnificent. I still had no desire to listen to music, but eventually boredom kicked in and I gave in to watching a few episodes of Da Ali G show. Once my dad left, we all got back together in the kitchen to hang out. I brought down a box of whippets and a cracker and causally did a few hits of nitrous.

However, by this time the only effects of the 2ce I was still feeling were the speediness and the body feeling. All signs of visuals were gone except for the 2 minute bursts accompanying the nitrous hits. Eventually everyone decided to go to sleep so I figure it would be a good idea also since it was 10 am. I slept harder than I have ever slept in my life.

Afterthoughts: I feel that if the nausea wouldn't have distracted me during the peak I would have come to some very exciting conclusions about all sorts of various topics. The OEVs were particularly beautiful and interesting. They reminded me very much of the visuals that go along with DPT. The body load wasn't very pleasurable, and in no way compared to the body feeling of 2ci. I don't have any wish to do it again however because of the nausea, but I am glad I did get a chance to experience what it had to offer. G finds the visuals to be particularly beautiful as well and found himself swept up in them during the peak. No one else felt any nausea and K was even able to eat pizza and poptarts during the experience. No regrets here.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40428
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 24, 2006Views: 8,926
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2C-E (137) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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