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Pure Enlightenment
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   S & C. "Pure Enlightenment: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp40764)". Apr 8, 2007.

45 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (dried)
I will refer to myself as S and my girlfriend as C. We would like to share our first mescaline experience with you with hopes that it will help those in search of knowledge. It was 2 days ago Feb 17th 2005. We purchased a 4oz package of dried Trichocereus Peruvianus from the internet. When the package arrived, we didn't want to waste time and go purchase gelatin caps so I seperated a dose for her, (40 grams) and a dose for me (45 grams) and placed each dose seperately in a coffee grinder. We then proceeded to prepare large glasses of orange juice and just eat the stuff by the spoonfull. I must say, this is the most horrible thing I have ever tasted in my entire life!! Way harder to eat than dried shrooms. We took our time eating the dried cactus after reading that you should avoid ingesting a large dose at once due to nausea. So we finished our bowls of powder within about 30 minutes. This was approx 6pm.

As for our mindset and setting, we had both been preparing for weeks to have a positive enlightening experience, and we decided to try our first experience in the comfort of our own home with no plans for the next 48 hours. And as best as I may describe the following:

T+00- We finished eating our dried powder and left for town thinking that it takes 2+ hours to start feeling it. I had a Drs appt at 6:30 and figured by the time i was out of their office we should have a short time before starting our journey. I WAS WRONG.

T+30- We were in the Dr office and I started feeling a little giddy, but I figured that this was just the placebo effect.

T+45- OK, I gotta leave the Drs office, I am definately feeling something, they were taking my vitals and everything seemed SO funny, we had to leave, so when they told me to go sit in the waiting room and wait to be called back, we proceeded to walk right out the door.

T+1:00 Had to go to Wal-Mart and pick up some photos for my mother. Upon walking in WalMart I noticed some tingling in my body and knew for sure my perception had changed. I knew for a fact I was on a comeup. After leaving the store we went to my mothers house to drop off the pictures but couldnt stay long b/c everything was SO funny, I couldnt talk to them. I knew from previous acid/mushroom trips that this was gonna be a good one. I knew then energy I was feeling pre-trip was very strong, I remember looking at C once and actually saying 'We are gonna trip our balls off.'

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

T+1:30 We went home and once we were inside it was like being in our house for the first time. I noticed things in a way I'd never before. I was catching VERY strong trails and everything was so funny i could hardly contain myself. I thought this was gonna be just like most fo the LSD trips I'd had in the past and got a crazy notion that we should take a drive. (Driving is NOT recommened in any case under any circumstance while on psychoactive chemicals) But nonetheless we live on a country road far away from anyone with winding roads around cowfields with little to no traffic so we figured we should be safe.

T+2:00 It was 8pm now, I calculated that we should not drive past 10pm b/c we should be peaking around then. So we started off on these neverending country roads listening to 311 which I HIGHLY recommend to anyone. Words cannot describe what went on for the next 2 hours, I remember once I felt like we were in a spaceship guided by postivity and 311 seemed to help get us where we were going. The music was sounding ABSOLUTELY AMAZING to me! These guys really know whats up.

T+2:45 We had to pull over b/c 'C' had to pee, so she got out to pee and as the music was going, I looked out the window next to me and noticed the most intense visual patterns I have ever seen in my life. I figured once she got back in it would be a good time to make our way home, I was tripping extremely hard.

T+4:00 We came back home and turned on our liquid light purchased from spencer gifts in the mall, popped a couple of glowsticks and laid back experiencing visuals like I'd never laid witness before. This was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced, the colors were SO vivid and changing. I remember looking at the liquid light on our ceiling and seeing eyeballs changing into jesters, and thinking of the infinite infrastructure of the human mind. I do not recall eveything I saw for the next few hours but I can best describe it as PURE AMAZEMENT.

T+6:00 It is midnight now and I have been peaking since 8pm, I was sondering if the peak would ever subside and go into small hallucinations few and far between but I soon realized that mescaline is far different from any other psychoactive chemical. It was like the peak never stopped, I began thinking maybe we took too high of a dose, maybe there was something else in this stuff, but soon forgot about it as my mind was blown every 5 seconds. For the next 7 hours we laid on the bed mostly listening to Incubus and 311 engaging in an absolute cosmic experience.

T+13:00 OK its dawn now, is this shit ever gonna let up? 'C' kept asking me when the peak would be over and I kept telling her 2 more hours, 2 more hours, that seemed to comfort her as this was her first psychadelic experience ever. She never seemed scared really, just worried that she would never come back to earth, but in some weird way I think was OK to her.

T+17:00 OK its 11am, what the hell did I do? I mean, I love to trip but mercy, I've never tripped like this before. I still feel like I am peaking, and I remember thinking to myself, if I close my eyes I can make it subside. WRONG!!!! The closed eye visuals are so intense I could never describe with words what I saw. It is the closest thing to full blown hallucination that I've ever seen. The things you see with your eyes closed seem absolutely real.

T+18:00 I rolled over and touched C on her side and became extremly horny, I pondered whether or not it was a good idea to have sex, but here we go. Sex on mescaline could only be described as Heavenly, I've had sex on Ecstacy and it doesnt ever compare on the same scale as this. I recommend having sex while on mescaline to anyone.

T+22:00 My body is SO tired, but my mind is still going so strong, I swear this whole trip seems like one huge peak, the visuals never stopped we put in Finding Nemo after listening to every single CD in our collection. I was beginnning to think this owuld never go away or maybe it would be one of those 3 day trips or something, I was worried in any case but still completely blissful in the fact that I was home with C in bed. Even if we never come back we will still be together. We decided to try and eat something and drink some milk as maybe it would make us tired, and sure enough, I dont remember exactly when, but I guess the milk made use tired and we drifted to sleep. NOTE: The visuals never stopped, I remember the last time I looked up the walls were still going off!

In retrospect, as compared to shrooms and LSD my body feels FINE! NO back pain, joint pain, nothing. This is the most wonderful thing I have ever experinced in my entire life and I think everyone who has questions should try it once. We will surely do it again sometime! So be safe, stay positive and love your life, it's not our for long....
S & C

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40764
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 8, 2007Views: 6,631
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22)

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