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Walking in the Footsteps of My Own Delusions
2C-E & Cannabis
Citation:   sepulfreak. "Walking in the Footsteps of My Own Delusions: An Experience with 2C-E & Cannabis (exp40822)". Apr 4, 2005.

18 mg oral 2C-E
    smoked Cannabis
Experience: Experienced with 2C-E. I also have experience with Mescaline, 2C-B, 2C-C, 2C-D, 2C-I, 2C-T-7, LSD, LSA, Mushrooms, Miprocin (4-HO-MiPT), Iprocin (4-HO-DiPT), 4-AcO-MiPT, 4-AcO-DiPT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-DiPT, Salvia, DXM, Ketamine, MDMA, MDA, Methylone, IAP and Cannabis as for the 'mind' drugs.

Mindset: Good mood, a slight bit exhausted from taking 75mgs of Amphetamines the day before

Method of Dosing: Oral, capsule.
Trip Dose and Duration: 18mgs, around 8 hours.
Medications: None.

It is February 17th, the day after my experience, and I hardly know where to start. First off, I had taken 18mgs of 2C-E (have prior experience with 6mgs, 12mgs, and 16mgs), and my best friend J took 16mgs with me. It was close to 5:00PM when we ingested the 2C-E.

His girlfriend was leaving his house at the time, and we were on our way to his dock, as he lives right by a small, beautiful lake. We sat there listening to Tool’s album “Lateralus” while the 2C-E was starting to onset. At his dock there was a sheet of ice across the lake. I watched as the clouds started moving in odd patterns, and the world around me started to change after just thirty minutes. It was on the light side, but it was enough to tell that I was in for something that night. Something intense enough to change me and J’s lives forever. We had been waiting for this experience for quite some time after we had an experience at the same place a while back. I had written a trip report for that one entitled “Energy Producing Visions.”

Anyhow, we both felt the immersive power of 2C-E coming on while the Tool album was nearing its end. It was then that we decided to embark on our journey into the woods. The sun had been setting the entire time after we had taken the chemical, and it was just about fully set when we started into the woods. We crossed a creek, and it seemed as though the whole world around me was made of liquid. The leaves lined along the path created a mesh, and the trees loomed, twisted, and swirled into a dark nightmare style image. The perception of reality was as if we were in someone’s distorted artwork or painting.

We then began talking about the whole concept we had created about 2C-E; the stages of the experience. I will explain this in my conclusion.

It had been an hour and a half to two hours at this point, and we were almost fully in. At this point, talking wasn’t even necessary. We just “understood.” We looked at each other as if we were both about to break into tears at the fear and beauty of all that was encompassing us. Some moments while we were looking at the sky, reality was bent to the point that I didn’t even recognize Earth as our home. The stars shined in vibrant, rainbow colors, and the moon seemed to melt into a drop of blood. The clouds seemed to be rolling in as if a “storm” was coming. The blood stained the sky, and I felt a sense of impending doom. The patterns took over to the point that I was actually walking in them. It was as if we were enveloped in a dream. It was an enchanted forest. I saw images of majestic creatures such as unicorns, and J actually saw a gnome-like creature run across the path where we were walking.

Looking from a view in the woods, up on the hill to our right, there was a barrage of pine trees in the distance. It almost looked like a cave. I wanted to walk up to them and just sit there, but I knew if I did, I would have never left. J mentioned the “web” and the giant spiders from our last trip, and we both found ourselves trapped in the “spider’s lair.” We were right around the hill where we were looking up at the pines thinking about that whole thing that happened last time. It was wild. It gave me a sense that I was “deeper in” this time. Was I loosing my mind? “What am I doing to myself?” I thought. I was to the point that I could no longer distinguish fantasy from reality. I started to believe my own delusions, and that scared me.

I started staring at the beauty of nature surrounding us. I experienced what Morninggloryseed had said about 2C-E. I watched as the whole world was torn apart into a smear and repainted before my eyes. The visuals were like complex pieces to a puzzle. This puzzle was a symbol of my sanity at this point, and it was fading.

Next, we both stopped dead in our tracks as J mentioned the fact that there was a bear standing on its hind legs staring at us. We stared right back, started walking towards it. It wasn’t real. We also saw the shadow of a man out in the woods. At that point, I began to wonder what would happen if we actually ran into someone out there. Thoughts of murder and death began to overwhelm me.

Shortly after, we made it out of the woods and into the campgrounds. We almost tiptoed past a house, as we aren’t allowed in the campgrounds at this time of year. Walking through there was amazing. The lights were phasing and morphing in ways I have never seen. I heard geese in the sky, and I stopped to admire the beauty of nature. J asked what I was doing, and I told him to listen to the geese. He said that there were no geese.

When we got back to the car, the 2C-E peaked as we smoked some Cannabis. At times, it was fully as intense as a 5-MeO-DMT experience. I lost all connection with reality at this point. I had never felt ego loss this intense with any Phenethylamine. My body went completely numb, and I felt as though I was the only matter in existence. Everything became black and white at the same time, and the ground was not there. My heart raced as I became rushed with a sense of fear. I heard that Tool album playing, and I had to walk away from J and the car. I paced as I visually experienced both the death of my ego and spiritual self as well as the fading away of my own body. I was in hyperspace. Getting any sort of grip on reality was impossible, so I just let everything come to me.

I walked back to the car, and we started listening to some other music. We listened to alot of instrumental stuff by Soulfly, Enigma, Dark Tranquillity, some stuff from King Crimson, and “Nights in White Satin” by The Moody Blues. We were trying to find my marble pipe, as J had lost it. We wanted to smoke some more, and so we did. ..At least I thought we did. Because we wanted to smoke, our subconscious minds created the image in our head, and we actually believed that we did. Minutes later we found my pipe on the ground with the herb still in it. Me and J looked at each other and couldn’t believe what was happening. I could see the fear in his eyes, and I’m sure he could see the fear in mine. We had truly lost ourselves.

Next, we actually did smoke the herb. Minutes later, we looked at the pipe and the herb wasn’t there.. We had forgotten that we smoked it! We were in the midst of a mystical experience with the music, and I had to exit the car again. Once again I became overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the ego loss. J was smoking his Tobacco out of his wooden pipe, and I watched as the smoke rolling off of the pipe and out of his mouth turned into complex patterns taking true form and forming landscapes such as “unearthly waterfalls” in my mind. Later on after mentioning it to J, he looked at me with awe, and said he was intentionally creating those places in his mind.

After this, me and J watched as an entity came to us in a mist circling the car. J was paying attention to it more than I was, but the fog had built onto the windows. We stared as it came to us, marking the windows with symbols that did not disappear when the vision did. They were really there. Again, I could not distinguish fantasy from reality.

I remembered earlier when I had been seeing ghost-like images, and me and J heard a scream from the woods. J also saw a girl brutally murdered and some other death centered images on a bridge crossing the creek from the lake while we were walking through the campgrounds.

We spent the rest of the night trying to “figure out” what had happened. We went back to his house, and no one was there. This was an odd thing, as J lives with his parents and his sister who are normally there at night. We decided to make tea. His parents did come back soon after, and we were still really out there in our minds. We kept laughing at stuff, but his parents knew we were messed up, so it really didn’t matter. I was trying not to make eye contact with anyone, especially his sister who was standing up against the fireplace and later was banging stuff around near the bathroom. I don’t even know if half of the stuff was really going on. J was talking about his Dad, and how he was with hallucinogenics in the 60’s and 70’s. His Dad told us that we were going to end up afraid of our own curtains, never leaving the house.

Despite the chaos, an interesting thing about 2C-E is the empathy and connection that fills the end of an experience. I was really “feeling” the bond and closeness that J’s family has together. It is oddly different from everything I’ve ever known or seen in my other friend’s families. I ended up mentioning it to J that night, and he seemed to understand what I was talking about. Anyhow, we spent the last part of the night eating at King’s (a restaurant open 24 hours).

In conclusion, 2C-E is an extraordinary psychedelic that far surpasses many others in its clarity, mental/visual effects, and general intensity. Even LSD can barely compete with the vividness of its visual effects. It seems to be a very serious psychedelic that requires a certain type of mind to actually enjoy it. The work involved in getting yourself through the trip is exhausting and the intensity can be frightening at times, though as Shulgin said, it is a difficult but worthwhile material, and that there is something in it that will reward the user.

I also wanted to mention the whole concept me and J built about the effects of 2C-E.

First, you have the “Euphoric Stimulation” phase. This phase begins at around 15-20 minutes after ingesting the 2C-E. It is filled with the feelings of depth, wideness, and vividness. The whole world around us begins to change in a dark way. You start to feel a “rolling” in your stomach, and a euphoric feeling throughout your body. However, euphoria is not a typical effect of 2C-E. Most people wouldn’t consider what I am speaking of euphoric, though I do in a mental sense.

Second is “The Calm Before the Storm.” The trip takes on a full visual effect, body feeling, and a general sense of “tripping.” However, the user normally feels an odd feeling of calm. It is a calm so extreme that it is quite strange to be experiencing it amongst the visuals and mental effects you are experiencing. This normally occurs at an hour to an hour and a half following ingestion.

Third is obviously “The Storm.” This is where everything becomes unexplainable. You are hit with unimaginable intensity. An intensity that can match that of a 5-MeO-DMT flash at higher doses. The visuals that encircle you can turn into full fledged visuals and fantasy scenarios that are difficult to distinguish from reality. There is not much communication with your fellow trippers at this phase, as conversation is “not needed.” You just “understand” each other and everything that is going on around you. There is a unique auditory effect where you “hear” everything as well. This is considered the “peak” effect, and it happens at about the two hour mark to maybe 15 minutes after.

Fourth and last is the “Divine Introspection” phase. This phase comes following the most intense part of the experience. The drug “lets go” of your mind, and you are allowed to think for yourself again, and everything stops moving quite as much. The pieces of the puzzle seem to be fitting together again, and you are left in awe. However, this awe is extremely social in character. The conversation between you and the people you are with are alive and centered around personal issues concerning yourselves, the trip, society, and pretty much everything in depth you could possibly think about. It is the perfect end to an experience like that. In my experience, the emergence of this phase depends on the dosage, as higher doses of 2C-E tend to last longer than lower doses. In general it can occur 5-8 hours after ingesting 2C-E.

Overall, 2C-E is one of my four favorite semi-synthetic psychedelics. The others are 4-HO-MiPT (Miprocin), LSD, and MDA.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40822
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2005Views: 9,246
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