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The Cure
Citation:   Desperate Housewife. "The Cure: An Experience with Modafinil (exp40963)". Jul 4, 2006.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
  T+ 7:00 100 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
As an overworked, stressed Mom of a 5 year old diva and a high maintenance artist husband, I have searched for a cure to the 2pm to 4pm burnout. Like other Chicago moms, I learned that 3 lortabs can cure the apathy for housework and playing freaking Barbies for the thousandth time. I only use them for the PMS week during which I will feel so tired and so mind burnt that I have to resort to drastic measures. That buzz makes all the world seem better but I was ready for a change. I drink only if I am lying under a palm tree and smoke a bowl before bed as a sleep agent. So I introduced modafinil into the mix after much research. It took 2 weeks to arrive so I had plenty of time to do my homework. No one I know had ever tried it, so I am the test subject.

Saturday morning the package arrives, as soon as the mailman closed the door, I ripped it open and toasted 200mg to Father Gonzo (RIP). Yippie here we go!! It is 9am Saturday so the whole crew was home, I had peppy energy not my usual blahs after a draining week. I never felt the lortab rush but I had that same feeling of not minding doing the mundane or unpleasant. I did feel happy but not too happy, it was jus' right. I had a sense of well being and of knowing I would not feel tired or cranky later on. Any other time by 2pm I would need a lite nap (which I seldom get to take) or by 6pm I am the walking dead but before I realized it was 4pm! We had guest coming for supper so I took 100mg to make sure a burnout was not on the way. Once again the next time I looked at the clock it was 8pm. Fun was had by all and I don't even like the asshole dinner quest! I never once felt drugged or the least bit odd. I felt quite content and relaxed. I think I was even polite which is very hard to do assholes. I just feel good.

Its 10pm as I write this and I still feel pretty nice. I am normally so tired by now that I smoke a bowl, chat with hubby and crash.

I feel like sleep will not be a problem as I have been up since 6am. I am tired from a busy, active, good day. Not that brain dead, body tired feeling. Warm bath and a bowl and life is good.

My report is that modafinil is a good thing, for me, to use for the 3pm burnout and I will save the lortab for fun!

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40963
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 4, 2006Views: 27,824
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Modafinil (217) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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