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Citation:   Jamshyd. "Folly: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp41009)". Apr 11, 2005.

2.0 mg IV 5-MeO-DMT (liquid)
[Disclaimer: What I did here is very, VERY stupid and potentially extremely dangerous. I do not recommend anyone trying it!!]

I was lying in bed at around 6:30pm, just resting, and waiting for 7:15pm to roll by so I can take the bus to go for a drink with a friend. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then, it hit me.

I got up, washed my hands, and gathered all equipment necessary for I.V. injection. I used a (cleaned) contact lens canister to dissolve a *tiny* bit of brownish 5-MeO-DMT dust (estimated to be 2-3mg) in about 50 units of Saline solution. It dissolved effortlessly. I then took a cotton from the tip of a cotton swab, rolled it as tightly as I could, dropped it into the solution and pulled in with a 30unit syringe. I intentionally used more drug and more water because I knew that some of it will be lost in the process. The solution in the syringe was crystal clear, but I still dried the canister and cleaned it with an alcohol swab, re-injected the solution in it, used a new cotton ball and re-drew it, just in case. Again, the solution was crystal clear and had only one small bubble that I tapped off easily. I then recapped the 28G needle.

I put a pillow against the wall I was leaning on to make myself more comfortable. I did not have anything useful for a tourniquet, and even if I did I just couldn’t see myself being able to undo it while keeping the needle steady where it is once I register. So, the tourniquet was skipped. My veins were visible but not bulging. I cleaned my inner-elbow with an alcohol swab. After only three probes (much better than the 11 I needed for my first I.V. experiment!), I was able to “feel” that I was in a vein, and as I pulled back surely enough blood flowed into my solution. This is it!

I pushed the plunger and took out the needle and re-capped it, and cleaned the site (hardly visible) with an alcohol swab. At this point, I felt nothing. I thought, “hehe, I guess the amount of drug I actually got was negligible.” The moment I finished this thought, I went instantly from sober to THOROUGHLY FUKTUP!

There was a huge rush. But you see the rush happened after I got instantly hit – as in, after the huge instant shift, I was still climbing. There was the characteristic 5-MeO-DMT tinnitus. There was a constant, sharp tingling rush that went from my solar plexus to the crown of my head. This was in every way like smoking, but without the physiological reactions such as crazy heartbeat and sweating and pressure in the head (that feeling of implosion). The only way I can describe what I felt is that it was IDENTICAL in every way to the MDMA rush (with all the anxiety associated with it), and I mean identical, but without the euphoria and nystagmus.

For a few seconds, I was immobilized. I was definitely NOT enjoying it. My vision blurred. Space and time lost all meaning – everything seemed to be the same size. It is hard to explain this phenomenon but that’s exactly how I perceived the world. I decided this was too strange so I closed my eyes. I didn’t see much – I perceived what looked like fire at the edges of my visual field. I also did not hear anything but the sharp ringing in my ears.

As I reopened my eyes, I was still buzzing, but the rush was gone, and now I was able to actually think again. I looked at my arms and found that all the veins in my body were bulging. This scared me a bit, though I suspect that it probably had a vasoconstrictive property. I was quickly returning to baseline, a bit shaken, and feeling very stupid at what I just did, since I really do not have much experience with I.V. administration. I looked at my watch to see that it was just after 7:00pm. This meant that the whole experience should not have lasted more than 5 mins. I checked my arms again, my veins were still bulging but not as much. The puncture wound seemed to have already healed, as I could not easily see it.

I went out to wait for the bus. I found that, although I was pretty much baseline, there was a lingering anxiety coupled with mood elevation (funny eh?), and that my senses were all very heightened. The sparkling of the snow against the moonlight was very overwhelming. By the time I was on the bus my veins were no longer bulging, so I figured I was fine. The night was enjoyable at the bar, and beer tasted great, and it dissolved all anxiety that I had.

I think this is my goodbye to 5-MeO-DMT. The only time I ever found it useful was when I mixed it with cannabis, and it was the cannabis that did most of the job. Taking it in vein is the ultimate way of experiencing it purely, and I still did not find the effect to be very enlightening. The whole thing in itself was an interesting experience, but I would not repeat it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41009
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 11, 2005Views: 8,002
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