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Feels Nice
Alprazolam (Xanax)
Citation:   Milou. "Feels Nice: An Experience with Alprazolam (Xanax) (exp4113)". Apr 8, 2001.

2.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
0 ingested 10x 0.25mg alprazolam tablets orally.
T + 5min feeling the effects coming up. warm feeling going up from legs. not very strong, but it feels nice.
T + 12min mild dizzines
T + 20min quite relaxed now, little problems with thinking
T + 25min when i turn my head, everything that i see comes a little 'late'. also hands feel very heavy
T + 35min time seems to go very fast. problems with coordination. little kind of same feeling when in drunk, but this is better and more 'clear' state
T + 40min stoned.. i found myself staring things. it feels hard to try stand straight. also being 'underwater' -feeling is present
T + 50min no problems understanding things what i heard from tv. i am very relaxed and i feel very heavy and same time i have feeling that i could just jump up and fly
T + 65min relaxed and little lazy to think anything. feeling that alprazolam is starting to come down.
T + 70min i walked a little. limbs are still feeling heavy, but not so much as earlier. also it feeled like i were walking on tiny needles (it doesn't hurt).
T + 80min relaxation and laziness that slides slowly away. to 200min.

well.. it was nice experience with such a low dose. there were just a little euphoria and no ego loss at all, next time i'm going to try it with 7.5mg dose.

happy exploring!

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 4113
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 8, 2001Views: 81,813
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Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Alone (16), General (1)

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