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Possibly an Excessive Dose
Citation:   lodrian. "Possibly an Excessive Dose: An Experience with 2C-I (exp41313)". Mar 29, 2005.

100 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

I had not eaten since breakfast to aid in the absorption of 2C-I. I took the substance at 5PM in a solution of Glacier Freeze Gatorade®, as I have found this to cover the taste at all levels. I decided to test my personal limits for this substance, and made a goal of 100mg. Previous doses had been 15mg and 25mg. At 3 min I received my usual slight stomach tightening, as I have experienced with all phenethylamines. At 15 min I had attained a strong euphoria, one equal to X. At the 35 min mark I attained full visuals, at little negative effect, so I decide to be social with my friends watching a movie in another room. I find the social experience to be exceptional. At the 55 min mark I seem to lose the capability to speak, therefore resort to hand signals for communication, yet body functions are unhindered. At the 2.5hr mark I test the intimate effects of the substance at this level. Foreplay is exceptionally arousing, yet an erection comes slower. Sex is a long drawn out process, lasting about an hour and a half with no signs of an orgasm for myself. My partner enjoyed herself for quite a while, but at the point of 1.5hrs she became bored of sex, and began to push me away.

At that point she pushed for verbal conversation. I tried to tell her I couldn’t really speak, and then just focused on the trip, which had heightened by the excessive blood flow of sex, as well as trying to listen to what she said for insight and later conversation. For what I was actually able to keep track of I gained a lot of insight about my relationship. At the 5 hr point she fell asleep, and I began to watch Disney's Aladdin. I was entranced by the movie and effects. At the 6.5 hr point I began to notice my body temp fluctuate from higher to below normal in a 5-10 min cycle until I came down fully at the 7hr about 40 min point.

The experience was overall a success, as I found my tolerance for this is approximately equal to my alcohol tolerance, as compared to the average human. I understand that this was probably a mistake to attempt, yet I felt it necessary. My natural limits are well known among my friends, to the effect of them consistently calling me an alien. I love this substance for learning almost as much as I love 2C-D. I hope this report dissuades others from trying doses of this amount, so as to protect others from harm that they may experience as a result of the loss of verbal communication skills. Also, I have come to a personal realization that if I sleep directly after coming down I experience a strong hangover, yet if I wait approximately 2-3 hours all I experience is my eyes drying out to a lesser extent. I wear soft contacts, so I just shoot saline in my eye to relieve the minor irritation.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 41313
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 29, 2005Views: 9,616
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), General (1)

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