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Giants in my Bedroom!
Zolpidem & Cannabis
Citation:   Inbetween Days. "Giants in my Bedroom!: An Experience with Zolpidem & Cannabis (exp41766)". Jan 9, 2007.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:15 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:40 1 cig. smoked Nicotine (plant material)
  T+ 0:40 1 cig. smoked Nicotine (plant material)
My mother was recently prescribed Ambien for sleeping problems. After properly using the drug for a few nights she discontinued usage. Knowing nothing about this drug, I asked her what kind of side effects she was experiencing that had pushed her to discontinue her use of Ambien. She replied 'I would take the pill, lay down 10 minutes later, and about 5 or 10 minutes after that I would just start thinking of the weirdest things. I would shut my eyes because when I would open them for even a second, the dark room looked very different and frightening.'

Me, having some experience with drugs (bud.:3-4 times daily:.,alcohol, dxm, shrooms, amphetamine, opium, codeine, nitrous, and cocaine among some others), decided that the effects she mentioned sounded very interesting indeed. Always up for a new kind of trip and another chance to explore my inner being, I aquired 2 single 10 mg doses of the stuff. After extensive research on side effects, risks involved, and of other people's experiences I decided to give it a go.

I believe that preperation is KEY in enjoyment of a psychadelic experience. On the night that the experience was to occur (last night), I arrived home around 1:00 AM. I had just had a fairly fun and uplifting day with my gf and decided that it would be a good night to try one of the two doses I had in my posession.

T+0:00 - after aproximately 10 minutes of meditation and prayer, the dose is taken with about 8 oz of water. In preperation, I first burned incense in the room to cleanse the air, set the mood, and simply for its pleasant aroma. I then loaded a bowl of mid-quality bud into my pipe, reclined on my bed, turned on Gorillaz on some headphones, and sat back and waited.

T+0:15 - All literature I had studied stated that the effects of Ambien start after 15-20 minutes. At the 15 minute mark I began smoking the rather large bowl of weed I had packed earlier. My perception has slowly begun changing though I won't notice it for a few more minutes.

T+0:30 - The Ambien is now either in full effect or very close to full effect. I look over at my nightstand and watch a CD case creep slowly around on it's surface. I watch my blinds on my window and they appear to be waving. My clothes I had tossed on the floor before getting under the covers were crawling slowly across the carpet next to my bed. My room in the dim light looks very strange, almost cartoonish. I notice sizes and shapes of objects begin morphing at around.

T+0:40 - I smoke a ciggarette at this point, before finishing off the weed.

T+0:45 - I have had my eyes closed for the past five minutes, letting the music enhance my warped imagination. Strange and very lucid scenarios can be acted out in my head. Upon opening my eyes to empty the ash from my pipe, I am suprised to find that the bedroom I normally live in has been replaced by a similar but DEFINITELY different room. I could sense this more then see it, however the visual effects were quite amusing. The electric blanket control looks trapezoidal in shape, rather then cubic. My clock-radio appears GARGANTUAIN. The covers and sheets on my bed, as well as other select objects in the room, appear to be moving in a wavelike motion to the music of The Gorillaz.

T+0:50 - I turn off my light at this point, hoping for some possible closed eye visuals. I get more then I bargained for! Once my eyes have adjusted to the darkness, I stay reclined in bed and watch my room come to life before my very eyes. Large and extreamly dark and ominous humanoid creatures have filled my room. It is CROWDED in here now. The creatures, resembling giants and giant hooded and robed druids are slowly 'floating' around in my room. These entities were seen in a silhouette form but were fully 'materialized' and highly detailed.

Somehow, I was not frightened by these beings. I watched them as one at a time they would approach my bed and lean over me. They would then back away slowly before vanishing. I tried communicating with one of the humanoid figures by talking to him in my head. I could FEEL a response but I am not sure what it meant. I believe(d) these figures meant me no harm and as they began to fade and my CD ended, I was left with a feeling that something is unfinished, and I still have that feeling now.

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready for my day as usual!

I experienced NO negative effects durring or after my Ambien experience. The only disquieting(but not negative, persay) effect I noticed was durring the come up. I felt a sensation several times on (or under) my skin which reminded me of what bubbles would feel like popping quickly. I only felt this strange physical symptom 3 times and only for about 2 or 3 seconds each time, and it was not at all painful. Just strange.

Tonight I will take the other 10 mg I still have in my posession. Perhaps I will see the large beings in the darkness of my room again, and if I do, perhaps communication will be more sucessful.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41766
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 9, 2007Views: 69,944
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Combinations (3), Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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