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The Moderate Path
Amanita muscaria & Various
by Gubi
Citation:   Gubi. "The Moderate Path: An Experience with Amanita muscaria & Various (exp41814)". Jul 8, 2007.

  repeated oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
I've successfully tried many drugs (lsd, shrooms, mdma, coke, heroin, salvia, hbwr,) many times for the past 10 years, so when I learned amanita muscaria was a popular entheogen, there I was harvesting a full backpack in the mountains. I knew no one at the time that had ever tried this, so I relied on internet reports for my preparation. Many advised to dry the shrooms at 80°c so I set the many dozens I had in front of a small air heater which gave out an approximate 90°c. All the shrooms did not get the same heat, but they all dried in a couple hours. For storage convenience, I powdered them all in the blender, except a dozen that I intended to experiment with.

The same evening, looking happily forward to this, and relaxed in my favorite couch, I cut up a medium size cap, make a tea by pouring boiling water over it, and drink/eat it down in a couple minutes. It was not very good. I had skipped dinner.

T+ 1h1/2: 1st tinglings, something is happening.

T+2h: Feeling nicely speedy, but my body is nicely sedated so I don’t move.

T+2h1/2: Slight nausea, take three tokes on a hash joint which seems three times stronger than usual. The nausea fades, and nice waves of sedation go through my body, I feel happy and excited.

T+3h: The effect reaches a peak, things look bright and alive, I try walking but balance is impaired. I sit again and nausea comes back so I take a couple tokes on the joint which seems extremely strong, I know if I smoke too much, my head will unpleasently spin. The nausea sets down.

The next 2 hours were spent listening to trippy music into which I could dive with high awareness, not moving from the couch. I'm not lazy but the sedative effect is quite strong and enjoyable bestly in a couch. No remarkable visuals, just brightness. I finally get sleepy and have a good night.

I decided to do this again soon with a higher dose, which I did 2 days later and this is how it happened:

T: I make a tea with a friend who only smoked cannabis in his life, we take 2 nice size caps each. he drinks the tea but doesn't eat the soken pieces like I do. We are happy and looking forward to this, as we sit speaking and smoking a small hash joint in my room. We skipped dinner for stomach comfort.

T+1h: First tinglings, we go to a trippy bar while smoking another joint on the road. It feels much stronger, we are walking on air, we laugh knowing this is going to get good as we feel nice mdma like body rushes.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
T+1h1/2: We arrive at the bar, it gets stronger every minute, we laugh as I remind us that the peak is still 1h1/2 away. We get a beer which we can only drink very slowly.

T+2h: We are both amazed of how wavy the effect is: it goes up and down, we feel mentally sedated but phisically speedy, then mentally speedy but phisically sedated. We talk and laugh about ourselves.

T+3h: We are holding on strong, overwhelmed with the many aspect effect of this: one moment we feel the amanitas, the next the beer, the next stoned, the next it is heroin like, the next it is like ecstasy, wow wow, we speak only to agree of how strong and amazing this is. We slowly drink another beer.

T+4h: The shameful music is too much for our sensitive ears, we decide to go but the bartender offers us a glass of home rum. We drink it fast and go to the car to smoke a joint. We are pulled in every direction and can’t finish the joint. I put some dub music which we can see, as with acid. The mountain scenery seems to stretch for a hundred miles, though we can only see 2 miles away.

T+4h1/2: Too much alcohol for my stomach. I puke, feel better but tired and mostly drunk. My friend feels fine and is very happy with his 1st amanita trip.

T+5h: My bed please thank you, takes some time to fall asleep.

A month later, with another experimented friend, we skip dinner, weigh and gelcap 15g each, which we eat late in the evening, probably too late because 1h1/2 later, the effect is strongly sedative, we can’t move from the couch, neither can we finish the hash joint nor talk much. 3h later I puke. Uncomfortable and uninteristing trip even if the music sounds good. We doze away in sleep and can’t remember much the next day, except what I told above.

I decide since I puked the last two times that something was wrong in the heating process, so I go and get 5 fat amanitas, and with another friend. We peel off the red skin as I heard this could help the nausea, and barbecue the shrooms controlling temperature with a pot of simmering water sitting in the middle of the shrooms. They shrink to dryness and we chew 2 and 1/2 each (taste not good) as an evening meal. we walk to the store 2 miles away.

T+30mn: We are in the store tripping about cat food, this is going to be good. As we walk back the effect is climbing every step. We are walking on air. I know this is going to be very strong.

T+1h: We are back at camp, feeling nausea so we smoke a few tokes of strong pure weed. The nausea sets down but we are submerged by the effect, we can only talk to agree of how strong this is.

T+1h1/2: We are lying down, totally sedated. The many aspect effect is riding through us with bigger and stronger and faster waves, we can’t move or talk or smoke, we feel drunk and poisoned.

T+2h: We agree we took too much, and wait for the waves to calm down, which doesn't happen. We still can’t do anything but wait.

T+4h: I walk like a drunkard to go puke, which relieves my long time nausea. My friend can hardly walk to piss. We lie back down and slowly drift in sleep. We wake up late and not very fresh, remembering only what I said above. I decide to not do amanitas again before long.

A couple months later, I meet a very experimented user who laughs at my amanita experiences and tells me his way which consists of sun drying the amanitas, and eating a couple bit by bit over a many hours range, so that he doesn't get sick and gets a mild and pleasant effect. I still haven't followed his advice but it seems very reasonable, as my only truly enjoyable amanita trip was the 1st experience described above.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41814
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2007Views: 19,067
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Various (28), Music Discussion (22), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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