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Mental Vigilance in a Pill
Bacopa monniera & Cannabis
Citation:   bossk. "Mental Vigilance in a Pill: An Experience with Bacopa monniera & Cannabis (exp41820)". Oct 19, 2015.

    Bacopa monnieri (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis  
I had the fortune of trying some Bacopa monniera the other day. Let me just say, man, this stuff is genius. I took two pills (extract) on our way to the skate park while we were blazin' the whole time.

The first thing I noticed (despite the weed) was that I was feeling particularly witty and on top of the things, with a strict command for whatever the present situation was. Then when I started skating I had this incredible capability to visualize and execute tricks I'd never done before. My confidence in doing so was equally impressive, and it allowed me to really excel and learn new things that day. For example I was able to 5-0 grind a round rail that I never even 50-50. I know for sure that this was an effect of the bacopa because I usually don't feel this ambitious or competent when I skate.

As a repeat experiment, I took double the dose this mourning. While I didn't have anything in particular to apply my mind to such as skating, I still wanted to see if I could notice a change. I did. Having no specific task at hand, I found myself in an increased state of what I call superconsciousness.

Superconsciouseness is where I'm always thinking about the things around me or just something random, but I do it in a conscious way, so my mind is very active. I've found that when I'm not thinking superconsciously I fall into bad habits easily. So the bacopa definitely helped me stay superconscious in this way, always vigilant of my mental processes. In closing I give this herb extract two thumbs up.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41820
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 19, 2015Views: 7,832
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Bacopa monnieri (717) : Combinations (3), Performance Enhancement (50), Glowing Experiences (4), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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